
发布 2024-03-28 23:05:09 阅读 1930

完卷时间 40分钟 )

你的星数___颗 ★ 等第___

part one listening ( 第一部分 )

i. listen and choose . 听录音,选出正确的**) 4 ★

1. ab2. ab.

3. ab4 . ab.

ii.. listen and choose (听录音,选出听到的内容) 6★

) 1. a. qdpb. qbpc. pqb

) 2. jgk c. jkg

) 3. a. nineb. nightc. write

) 4. a. hairb. head c. hand

) 5. a. on the chair b. on the desk c. under the desk

) 6 a. your eyes b. your hair c. your ears

iii. listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子)8★

iv. listen and choose ( 听录音,选出正确的应答句,将其代号填入括号) 10★

v.listen and number ( 听录音,用1-4给句子编号) 8★

( )this is my mother.

( )she is fat and tall.

) he is big and tall.

) that is my father.

. listen and write (听录音,填入所缺的单词)4%

1. i’m jane. i am

2. i can see an

3. my eyes are big. my nose is __

4. i canwrite and run.

part two reading and writing ( 第二部分笔试)

i. look and write(看大写,写小写,看小写,写大写) 10

gjy umbrella apple ruler zebra

ii. read and write(写出下列字母的左右邻居)12★

1.__tt2. _r3. _nn___

4ii 5. _pp___6. d

iii .look and write (看图,完成单词) 4 ★

el_ _ant s_ _de km_ _th

iv .read and choose (选出不同类词) 10 ★

v. choice(选择正确的选项) 6 ★

) 1. -what colour can you see? -i can see __

a. a yellow star b. yellow c. a star

) 2. -is danny your friend? -yes

a. she isb. he isc. he isn’t

) 3. the man __a plate on his hand .

a . has b. is c. h**e

)4. -are __a boyyes, _a boy.

a. your…i’m… b. you …you… c. you… i’m…

)5. my eyes __big. my hair __long.

a. is …are… b. are … is … c. are…are …

) a spoon and a bowl on the table .

a am b is c are

vi. read and match (问答句配对)10

)1. how many spoons? a: here you are.

)2. give me a bowl, please. b. there is one.

)4. what colour is the slide? sorry.

)5. who are youd. it’s red..

)6. don’t pick the flower. e: i’m kitty.

i. read and choose.(根据情景选择) 8★


a.don’t climb the tree.

b. don’t pick the flowers.

2.你要向别人介绍你的朋友peter,你该怎么说? (

a.this is is my friend.

b.this is a is my friend.


a. can i help you?

b. help! help!

4. 你想问那只盒子是什么颜色的。

a. is that box yellow?

b.what colour is that box?


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