
发布 2024-03-23 19:05:04 阅读 1343











31.( a. badminton b. soccer c. tennis d. horse

32.( a. dam b. dive c. pick d. le**e

33.( a. art b. may c. math d. music

34.( a. french b. america

c. australia d. canada

35.( a. south b. west c. east d. place




a. h**e dinner b. get up c. by bus

d. go skiing e. play bowling f. plant trees

g. visit the palace museum h. ride a horse

i. dress up j. surf the internet


46. (ottawa is in the east __the country.

a. of b. inc. off

47. (she will __her grandparents tomorrow.

a. visit b. visiting c. visits

48. (can you show me that t-shirt __a lion on it.

a. and b. h**e c. with

49. (he __going to get up at 6 o’clock.

a. am b. is c. are

50. (mike __from america.

a. coming b. comes c. come

51. (they are going to harbin __train.

a. on b. with c. by

52city is the capital of china?

a. which b. what c. where

53. (john is good __ice sports.

a. at b. in c. on

54are you going?

i am going there by plane.

a. what b. how c. where

55. (the great wall is the __wall in the world.

a. long b. longer c. longest




it is a fine sunday morning. ann and her mother are on a big bus. there are many people on it.



some of them come from america, and some come from england and others come from japan. they are all their friends. they are going to the great wall.

there are two chinese on the bus. one is a woman. she is driving the bus.

the other is a young man. he speaks good english. he is now talking about the great wall.

the other people are all listening to him. they like the great wall. they want to see it very much.

61. (ann and her mother are on a big __on monday.

a. bus b. train c. plane

62the people on the bus are from __different countries.

a. 3 b. 4c. 5

63where are they going?

a. the summer palace

b. the palace museum

c. the great wall

64the chinese young man is a __

a. driver b. policeman c. a tourist guide

65the chinese young man can speak good __

a. chinese and japanese

b. chinese and english

c. japanese and english


jim is an english boy. he comes to china with his father and mother.

jim is in no. 5 primary school. he gets up early every day. he isn’t late for school.

he studies hard. he can read and write english well. he often helps us with our english, and we often help him with his chinese.

after class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. he makes many friends here. we are glad to stay with him.

on sundays he often helps his mother clean the house, fix something or do the shopping. he likes chinese food very much.


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