PEP 五年级上册知识点总结 第五单元

发布 2024-03-22 18:05:09 阅读 3512


unit 5

clock 时钟,钟。

photo **,相片。

plant 植物。

water bottle 水瓶。

bike 自行车,脚踏车。

in front of 在……前面。

beside 在旁边(附近)

between 在……中间。

behind 在(或向)……后面。

above 在(或向)……上面。

so many 许多。

their 他们的。

lots of 许多。

dirty 肮脏的。

near 在附近。

house 房屋,房子,住宅。

1. your room is really nice! 你的房间真漂亮!

2. there is a big bed. 有一张床。

3. my computer is here on the desk. 我的电脑在书桌这里。

4. this is my room. 这是我的房间。

5. there are so many picture here. 这有许多**。

6. my father can draw very well. 我父亲画的很好。

7 .—where is the ball? 球在**? —it’s in front of the dog. 在狗的前面。

8. there is a tree in front of the house. 在房子前有棵树。

9. i live near the nature park. 我住在自然公园附近。

1、there be(is, are)句型的单复数形式:there is a clock. there are lots of flower.

课外补充:1)there be句型的动词就近原则:

例:there is a desk, two photos in my room.

there are a bed and a desk in my room.

2)there be与h**e/has的异同:


不同之处:there be表示“某地有……”无生命的),主语放在句末;

例:there is a book on the desk. 书桌上有一本书。


例:i h**e a book. 我有一本书。

2、询问方位或地点:—where is the ball? —it’s in front of the dog.

3、lots of + 可数/不可数名词= a lot of + 可数/不可数名词 “许多……”

比较:many + 可数名词复数 “许多……”例:there are many tree in the forest.

much + 不可数名词 “许多…..例:i drink much water every day. 我每天喝很多水。

1、描写房间、卧室,如:my room / bedroom;

思路导引。1)开头:总体概括自己卧室的特征 i h**e a nice/big/clean/…room.

2)中间:描述卧室里的物品、摆设 there is/are….on/beside/…

my computer/… is on the desk/….

3)结尾:抒发对卧室的情感 i like/love my bedroom (very much)! can you tell me yours?

2、范文:my bedroom

i h**e a nice bedroom. it’s not big but clean.

there is a blue bed in it. beside the bed, there is a desk and a chair. there are many books and a computer on the desk.

there is a water bottle, too. there are many pictures on the wall. two plants are near the window.

i like my bedroom. can you tell me yours?


五年级上册知识点总结。unit 5 clock 时钟,钟。photo 相片。plant 植物。water bottle 水瓶。bike 自行车,脚踏车。in front of 在 前面。beside 在旁边 附近 between 在 中间。behind 在 或向 后面。above 在 或向 上面。s...

PEP 五年级上册知识点总结 第五单元

常青藤英语小升初复习资料。五年级上册知识点总结。unit 5 重点单词。clock 时钟,钟。photo 相片。plant 植物。water bottle 水瓶。bike 自行车,脚踏车。in front of 在 前面。beside 在旁边 附近 between 在 五年级上册知识点总结 五年级上...


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