
发布 2024-03-20 03:15:13 阅读 2276



1.b __ght(买) 糖果) 3.c __mp___t___r(电脑)

pp __n(发生) 5. g___f__(礼物) _ple(人们)

7. p___stc___r d(明信片) _p(跳) 9.st___p(邮票)

___l (感到)





7、h**e(过去式8、 see(过去式。



1、arrive in beijing2、at the train station

3、take a picture4、在邮局。

5、指向6、a cup of tea

7、h**e a nice trip8、turn left

9、fly a kite10、be careful

tired (劳累的,桃子) .2、stamp (左边,邮票).

3、cry (汽水,哭4、e-mail (电子邮件, 感谢).

5、baby婴儿, 听) 6、adress (洋娃娃, 地址)

7、story (故事, 电视) 8、postcard (明信片, 是的).

9、gift (在。上方,礼物). 10、easy --风筝, 容易的)


amout of the window.

a. pointing

( )see someplayinga. children

can’t walkthe hotel with that. a. to

( )5do you put the addressa. when

the park yesterday. a. looked

a map yesterday. a. looked

( )buy a gift for my mother

9___you go to tian’an men square?

a. how often did long

is a picturejenny in the park.

) 11 this girl is __the busa. at b. on c. of

) 12. what would you likea eat b. to drink c. drink

) 1 3. these area. man b. mans c. men

) 1 4. the palace museum is five hundred __old a. years b. year c. yeares

) 15. where do you __the stamp? a. on b. do c. put

) 16. yesterday jenny __home from beijing. a. arrived b. arrive c. arrives

) a. am

) can’t dance. it’s___for me a. happy

) wearing beautiful dresses

a. man

( )am___a letter to my mothera. write


) play a game. a.笔直向前走。

) a bus to the hotel. b.我们小汽车去。

) worryc.我们来玩个游戏吧!

) straightd.别担心!

) went by care.乘公共汽车到旅馆。


1、is, the, ten, stamp, yuan

2 、i , may, picture, take, your

3、 danny, for, snack, a, buy, me

4、needs, a , he, letter, his , for , stamp

5、walk, li ming , down , and, the, jenny, street.

七 、情景交际。


a、what time is it ? b、what day is it ?

c、what is itd、how old is it ?


a、what is a stamp ? b、how much is a stamp?

c、where is the stamp ? d、how is the stamp?


a、is it sunny in jinta now ? b、what’s the weather for jinta now ?

c、how is the weather in jinta now?d、is the weather bad in jinta now ?


a、excuse me ,where is the post office?

b、do you know what the post office is?

c、tell me where the post office is?

d、come on ! where is the post office?


a、i take a picture for you . b、let me take a picture

c、may i take your picture ? d、would you like a picture ?

冀教版 三起 五年级下册英语 六上英语期末卷

专项二单词和短语。一 按要求写单词。现在分词。复数形式。复数形式。反义词。反义词。反义词。过去式。原形。过去式。原形。二 把下面的 和对应的单词连线并补充单词。1a.t r d 2b.c mp t r 3c.r n 4d.st mp 5e.m n 6f.g l 三 选择正确的字母或字母组合补全下面的...


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lesson 11 tian anmen square导学 评价单。name grade class designer tian xiaohong 学习目标 learning objectives 1.我会听说读写loudly,quietly,easy,hard,hurt fly a kite 2....