
发布 2024-03-16 09:30:12 阅读 9861

(时量:60 分钟满分100分)

姓名得分:1、我能写漂亮的英文字:抄写下列单词和句子。(10 分)

1、market water remember puppy raincoat

2、can i h**e a basket for my rabbit?



1. water可爱的。

2. lovely便宜的。

3. cheap水。

4. rabbit借。

5. borrow兔子。




you help meb. can i help you?

( )2.你想知道别人是否需要一些米饭,你可以这样问:

you want some you want some salt?


meb here you are.


you. )5.你想要买一些馒头,你应该这样对售货员说:

want some like some buns.

( )6.把东西给对方时,你应该说:

you you.


i h**e a i borrow a pen?

( )8..你想知道对方姓名时,可以这样问:

do you your name?

)9.别人对你说“thank you”, 你应该说:

a. i’m welcome.


morning, miss afternoon, miss li.


on sunday ,the children are h**ing a picnic at the beach .perter is eating a sandwich. lingling is h**ing a banana and anne is drinking some wanter.

mingming is eating a piece of cake ,they h**e a great time .

children are h**ing a picnic in the park.

enjoy themselves.

is h**ing an apple.

is drinking some water.

is eating a piece of cake.


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2016年下期郴州市十八中学期中测试题。六年级英语 上册 made by miss ren 20thapril,2016 姓名班级得分。时量 60分钟满分 100分 听力部分 共40分 一 听句子,排出序号1 5.10分 二 听单词,选出你所听到的一项。10分 care of space c.lib...