
发布 2024-03-14 06:30:09 阅读 5991



听力部分。一、 下列每小题中有三个单词,你将听到其中的一个。请把你听到的那个单词的字母标号写在题前的括号里。每个单词连读两遍。(6分)

) 1. a. strong b. strictc. sour

) 2. a. roadb. readc. robot

) 3. a. mutton b. mountain c. many

) 4. a. parkb. porkc. talk

) 5. a. whatb. waterc. wait

) 6. a. fromb. fruitc. fridge

二、 mike星期六和星期天通常都做哪些事情?请听录音,在相应的空格里划“√”表示。对话将连读两遍。(6分)


四、听录音,判断每小题中的陈述与录音是否相符。若相符,在相应的括号里写 “t”;反之,写 “f”。每个对话连读两遍。(9分)

) 1. sarah likes grapes.

) 2. lilly’s math teacher is short and quiet.

) 3. daming h**e to eat vegetables because he is he**y.

) 4. the young lady is mike’s music teacher.

) 5. chen jie has mutton and cabbage on fridays.

) 6. lilly can cook the meals.


1. i don’t like the fish because it’s s_ _i like tofu because it’s h

2. li ming lives in a small city. there are many tall bin the city.

3. look at the garden! the fare colourful and the g_ _is so green.

4. i like the village. the air is f_ _and the r_ _is clean.

5. look at that woman! she’s our teacher. she’s very f_ _and a

6. our principal is a young man. he is very k_ _

笔试部分。六、读一读,根据图画提示填上所缺单词,每条横线上只填一个单词。 (11分)

1. come and h**e someplease. they’re so sweet.

2. -i’d like someand

what about you?

---i’d like someand

3. -i’m helpful at home. i cantheand

thewhat about you?

---i cantheandthe

4. welcome to our new house! you can see a living room, a study, two

aand a

it’s very nice.

5. come and look at my new room. there is aa desk, a

bed and two end tables in it. you can see aon the wall,

a shelfthe desk, a

the door.


1. windows, wash, i, the, can, (

2. pandas, there, in, any, mountains, are, the, (

昆虫记片段阅读题及答案3. teacher, who’s, english, your, (


有趣的线造型美术教案4. student, a, university, she’s, (

5. forest, there, a, in, park, nature, the is, (





1. you can see two pictures on the wall.

2. there is a table in front of the sofa.

植物细胞教学设计第二课时3. there are some keys on the table.

4. there is a toy plane under the desk.

5. there is a ball on the sofa.

新军事变革全面发展始于6. there is a shelf near the desk.

概率论期末试卷及答案7. there is a lamp on the desk.

8. there are many books on the desk.


i’m an animal. i live in amy f**orite food is

i can’t fly kites. i cant’ use a

but i can sing and fly in the sky! i likedays. i don’t like

days. what am i? i’m a


1. the art teacher is young and quiet.

2. the old woman likes watching tv.

3. li ming is a basketball player.

4. lucy is tall.

十一、 读短文,完成后面的陈述。(10分)

hello! my name is wang lei. i’m eleven years old.

i study in willow school. my f**orite day is wednesday. we h**e english and computer class and h**e green beans on wednesdays.

i like english and computer very much. and green beans are my f**ourite food. wednesday is a great day!

my f**ourite teacher is miss zhang. she’s our english teacher. she’s young.

she’s tall and thin. she’s very kind. we like her very much!


龙政小学2014秋期期末试卷。五年级语文。亲爱的同学,有付出就有收获。相信通过认真审题,细心作答,你一定能取得优异的成绩。请把字写工整 规范,有2分的书写卷面分哦!祝你成功!1 听力测试。3分 1 认真听老师读短文,在做题。3分 1 这段话主要是写。2 短文是从这三个方面来突出鸵鸟的这个特点的。二 ...

人教版2024年小学五年级 上册 语文期中 期末测试题

人教版2019年小学五年级 上册 语文期中测试题 附答案 同学们,一个学期转眼间已过了一半,这一段时间你学得怎么样呢?小动物们也想来一场语文擂台赛看看谁学得好,咱们也一起行动吧!记住 只要细心,你就是最棒的。一 字词射击场。35分 1.为带点字选择正确的读音,用 标出。4分 买种 zh n zh n...

