
发布 2024-03-07 11:55:11 阅读 4893

2013-2014四年级英语第一学期期中复习 1


1. mother father2. from doctor3. canada banana4. this like5. bird nurse


chinaamerica singapore england canada



) 1is your father? he is a farmer. a. what b. who

) 2. my motherbeautifula. is b. are

) 3. ifrom americaa. am b. are

) 4. what’s your mothera driver. a. he’s b. she’s

) 5. where arefroma. your b. you

) 6. i’m ai go to school at eighta. student b. friend

) 7. h**efruita. an b. some

) 8. peter is froma. america b. american

) 9this? it’s a quaila. what’s b. who’s

) youa. from b. to


1. is, my, this, new, friend (

2. i’m , america, from (

3. you, are, where, from (

4. father, your, what’s (

5. a, he’s , teacher (.

2013-2014四年级英语第一学期期中 2


) 1、你想知道小明的妈妈是干什么的,你这样问:

a. what’ s your fatherb. what’s your mother?

) 2、如果是**,该怎样回答: a. she’s a nurse. b. she’s a doctor.

) 3、如何把你的妈妈介绍给你的老师: a. this is my mother. b. this is my teacher.

) 4、如果有人问你妈妈长得如何,你可以回答:a. she is beautiful. b. she is thirty-eight.

) 5、你想知道jim 来自哪个国家,你应问:a. where are you from? b. i’m from england.


) 1. this is my new frienda. 吃水果吧!

) 2. h**e some fruitb. 她很漂亮。

) 3. my mum is a doctorc. 你爸爸是干什么工作的?

) 4. she’s beautifuld. 这是我的新朋友。

) 5. what's your fathere. 我妈妈是医生。


) 1. where are you froma. nice to see you.

) 2. nice to see youb. he’s a teacher.

) 3. what's your fatherc. oh, she's beautiful.

) 4. what’s your motherd. i'm from tianjin.

) 5. look! this is my mothere. she's a doctor.


1. has bag2. good book3. nine nice

4. student mum5. meet three

五、朗读单词, 写出相应的数字

1. eighteen2. twenty3. fifteen



2013-2014四年级英语第一学期期中复习 3


) 1. what’s seven and three? it’sa. eleven b. ten c. nine

) 2. tom isclass 1, grade 3a. in b. at c. on

) 3. what’s seven and eight? it’sa. fourteen b. fifteen c. seventeen

) 4are you froma. who b. what c. where

) 5is your numbera. who b. what c. where

) 6. let’s count from one __twentya. to b. at c. on

) 7. wakepetera. to b. up c. and

) a b. an c. the

) 9. h**emilka. a b. some c. an

) mother is ana. driver b. nurse c. english teacher

二、 连词组句

1. number, your, what’s

2. five, what’s, and , six (

3. let’s, to , count, from, one, ten (

4. friend, is, this, my (

5. class 1, i’m , grade 3, in (


)1、想让大家排队,你应该这样说a. line up. b. get up.

)2、想知道sam的学号,你应这样问:a. what’s your number? b. what class are you in?

)3、想知道对方在哪个班,你应这样问a. what’s your name? b. what class are you in?


a. i’m in class one, grade four. b. i’m in grade four, class one.

)5、早上妈妈问你:“ what’s the time ?”你这样回答:a. wake up! 7:20.


) 1. i’m petera. your number, please?


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