
发布 2024-03-07 09:10:13 阅读 6235


unit 1 our school subjects

cartoon time


teaching contents 教学内容。

cartoon time

teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标。

1. 学生能听懂并会说句型:what subjects do you like? 及回答i like …

2. 学生能初步理解句型:what lessons do we h**e? 及回答we h**e …

3. 学生能正确理解、朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的指导下表演故事。

focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点。

教学重点:1. 学生能初步理解句型:what lessons do we h**e? 及回答we h**e …

2. 学生能正确朗读、理解cartoon time中的故事。

教学难点:能初步理解句型:what lessons do we h**e? 及回答we h**e …

teaching procedures 教学过程。

step 1 revision

1. quick respond

t: hello, boys and girls.

s: hello, miss huang.

t: first let’s play a game. when you see the words, please read them as quickly as you can.


s: ok!

t: great! let’s begin. (ppt呈现)

s: art, chinese, english, maths, music, pe and science.

t: well done! you can read the phrases very well.


2. brainstorming

t: next, i’ll show you the sentences about the subject. you try to guess what the subject it is.


s: ok.

t: great. let’s begin.

(ppt呈现) this subject is fun. we learn how to draw in this class. we can draw beautiful pictures.

what subject is it?

s1: it’s art.

t: it’s our mother language. we read books and learn how to write. what subject is it?

s2: it’s chinese.


3. let’s talk

free talk. (提前出示一些问句,方便学生向教师提问)

t: we h**e many subjects at school. what subjects do you like?

s: i like …

t: do you like …?

s: yes, i do. i like … no, i don’t. i don’t like …



step 2 cartoon time

1. ask and answer

t: hey, boys and girls. next we are going to learn cartoon time.

first, let me introduce a new friend to you. (出示小猪的**)

t: look at this picture. is it a lovely pig?

s: yes, it’s very lovely.

t: yes, it’s our new friend today. his name is billy.

well, look at billy. where is he going now? guess!

s: maybe he is going to the school.

t: how do you know?

s: because there’s a schoolbag on his back.

t: (出示bobby和sam的**) look! bobby and sam are here now.

they are billy’s good friends. also they are billy’s classmates. do you know the word “classmates”?

that means they are in the same class. understand?

s: yes.

t: well, today what lessons do they h**e this morning? (新授lesson)

t: what is the difference between subject and lesson?




2. watch the cartoon

t: what lessons do these animals h**e in the morning? let’s watch the cartoon.

**动画)t: what lessons do they h**e this morning?

s: they h**e music and maths.

t: what lessons do they h**e this afternoon?

s: they h**e pe and science.

3. read and find

(ppt呈现cartoon time两幅图)

t: look at this picture. on monday morning, they h**e music and maths.

and on monday afternoon, they h**e pe and science. what subject does billy like? what subject does sam like?

please open your books and turn to page 9. please read cartoon time by yourselves and try to find the answers.


t: what subjects does billy like?

s: he likes music.

t: what subjects does sam like?

s: he likes pe.


4. read the story

a. listen and repeat. (听录音,重复句子后跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调)

b. read after the teacher.

c. read together.

d. read aloud in roles. (四人一组,分角色朗读课文内容)


step 3 consolidation

act out the story

t: you really did a good job in cartoon time. it’s show time for you.

can you act the story? prepare it in groups. then come to the blackboard and act it out.



homework 家庭作业。

1. read the story after the tape.

2. preview sound time and rhyme time.

teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)


板书设计:unit 1 our school subjects


what subjects do you like? 以及回答i like … 二是学生能初步理解句型:what lessons do we h**e?

及回答we h**e … 三是学生能正确理解、朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的指导下表演故事。


revision time


1. quick respond回顾上一课所学词汇;

2. brainstorming学生通过阅读,猜出学科的名称;

3. let’s talk以自由交谈的形式谈论自己喜欢的学科。


cartoon time


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