
发布 2024-03-03 17:30:07 阅读 5701







)1. a. on foot b. by bike c. by train d. by a car

)2. a. stop b. wait c. bus d. go

)3. a. canada b. england c. the usa d. chinese

)4. a. library b. school c. bookstore d. subway

四、 单选(20分)

)1. a: how do you go to the usa? b:i go __

a. on foot b. by bike c. by bus d. by plane

)2. remember the traffic rules. _at a yellow light.

a. stop b. waitc. go d. go straight

)3. a: excuse me, is there a cinema near here? b: yes,__

a. it is b. they are c. there is d. there are

)4. how can i get to __park?

a. zhongshan b. the zhongshanc. a zhongshan

)5. is it far __here? a. for b. of c. from

)6. it’sthe cinema. a. near b. in to c. next to

)7. —mr. black: happy women’s day! —miss white

a. thank you b. happy women’s day c. welcome

)9. you can go by __bus. a. the no.10 b. no. 10 c. no. the 10

)10. you see a yellow light, you must __a. go b. wait c. stop


mike: hi, amy. is it friday today?

amyit’s saturday today.

mike: let’s go to the park this afternoon.

amy: great

amy: it’s easy. come to my home first. then we can go to the park by bus.

mikeamy: my home is near the not far.

mikeamy: the no. 26 bus.

mike:ok! see you at one o’clock this afternoon.amy


) can i go to the zhong shan park? a. no, it’s not far.

) i go on footb. you can go by bus

) is the libraryc. it’s near the post office.

) it far from hered. you are welcome.

) youe. no, it isn’t.


)is it far from here?

)excuse me, where is the cinema?

)no it isn’t. you can go there on foot.

)thank you.

)it’s next to the hospital.

)you’re welcome.



1、turn left at the cinema, then go straight.

2、where is the shoe store?


next to the bookstore.

the no.17 bus.

it far from our school?

4、go straight for five minutes.

5、it’s east of the hospital.

6、get off at the bus stop.


a)get off at the post office. (b)find the white building on the left.

c)take the no.17 bus. (d)look for me near the door.

e)start from the bus in front of our school.(f)walk east for three minutes.


)1. c,cinema d,party.

) b,party

五,选择填空, )is the library? zhang p eng

a. it’s in front of the school. b. where is the school?

there a library near here? is.

) me,is there a cinema near here?


are. aren’t.

cyes,there is. d,no,there is.



a. where is the cinema,please? b. where is the school,please?

c. where is the post office,please? d. where is the library,please?


welcome. not far.

the hospital far from here? in front of the school.




冬冬培训小学六年级上学期英语期末测试题。姓名。一 读一读下列单词中的划线字母读音是否相同,相同请在括号中写 s 不同写 d 1 peak beat 2 pig kite 3 thin dish 4 apple cake 二 看 选出正确的短语。12分 三 选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在...


冬冬培训小学六年级上学期英语期末测试题。姓名。一 读一读下列单词中的划线字母读音是否相同,相同请在括号中写 s 不同写 d 1 peak beat 2 pig kite 3 thin dish 4 apple cake 二 看 选出正确的短语。12分 三 选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在...


六年级pep上册知识总结unit 1 how can i get there?library图书。馆 post office邮局。hospital医院turn left左转turn right右转。places cinema电影院。地点 bookstore书店。go straight直行。scien...