
发布 2024-03-02 10:50:09 阅读 3712


第一课:a puma at large

puma: 美洲狮(学名:pumaconcolor)又称美洲金猫、山狮、银狮等,是栖息于北美洲、中美洲、南美洲的食肉目猫科动物,分类上属美洲金猫属。


report:[r'prt]:n. 报告;报道;成绩单 vt. 报告;报导;使报到。

eg:h**e you looked at their report?

短语:survey report 检验报告。

weather report 天气预报,天气报告;气象报告

news report 新闻报道,时事报告

spot: n. 地点;斑点。

vt. 认出,发现;弄脏;用灯光照射。

短语:bright spot 光点;辉点;高兴的事

white spot 白斑;白点;白点病

eg:tom failed to spot the error.

she spotted her friend in the crowd。她在人群中发现了她的朋友。

近义词:n.地点;斑点location, site, where


take :郑重对待,认真对待。

eg:you cant take her promises seriously,she never keeps her words.

take sth lightly 草率对待,草率处理。

take sth for granted 认为某事是当然的,认为某事是不成问题的。

eg:it must be taken for granted that he’ll do the work wee.

evidence ['vdns] :n. 证据,证明;迹象;明显vt. 证明。

近义词:proof证明, eg:do you h**e any proof that you are the owner of the car?

witness 证人:eg: god is my witness.

confirmation:证实 eg: we are waiting for confirmation of the news.

accumulate ['kjumjlet]: vi. 累积;积聚。

eg: to accumulate great wealth by hard work.

amass v 大量收集。

obliged ['blaid] adj. 必须的,必要的;感激的;有责任的 n. obligation 义务;职责;债务。

eg:you are not obliged to answer these questions .

be /feel obliged to do sth 觉得有必要做。

eg: i feel obliged to say sorry to him.

investigate [n'vstɡet] v. 调查;研究 n. investigation 调查;调查研究。

investigative 研究的;调查的;好调查的。

eg: we should not jump to conclusions. let's investigate first

我们不应草率下结论, 还是先调查一下吧。

we also h**e to investigate why she was not happy with her husband.


短语:investigate into 对……进行调查近义词:check

extraordinarily [k'strrdn,rli] adv. 非常;格外地;非凡地。

adj. extraordinary 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的。

eg: and these are extraordinarily interesting for all sorts of reasons.


近义词:highly, greatly,短语:异常紧急extraordinarily urgent

similar ['sml] adj. 相似的 n. 类似物。

adv. similarly 同样地;类似于。

n. similarity 类似;相似点。

eg: they had the similar aims.


短语:similar requests同样的提问;同样的要求。

近义词:adj.相似的alike, like

confirm [kn'fm] vt. 确认;确定;证实;批准;使巩固 n. confirmation 确认;证实;证明;批准。

eg: confirm they h**e received your package.


the experiment confirmed my theory.


短语:connect confirm连接确认;连接确认消息confirm button确认按钮。

confirm address确认地址confirm request确认请求。

反义词:contradict .

attack ['tk] n. 攻击;抨击;疾病发作 vt. 攻击;抨击;动手干。

eg: she defended herself from the attack.


短语:heart attack 心脏病发作 attack on 攻击 under attack 受到攻击;在攻击之下

main attack 主攻;攻击主力 air attack 空袭 suicide attack 自杀式袭击

nuclear attack 核攻击 personal attack 人身攻击sneak attack n. 偷袭

近义词: attempt,unless : n'ls] conj. 除非,如果不 prep. 除…之外

eg: you can soon get out of practice unless you play the piano regularly.


i shall go tomorrow unless it rains.

i won’t attend his birthday party unless invited

短语: unless 除非, ,如果不(= if…not)

come tomorrow unless i phone/if i don’t phone 如果我不打**,你明天就来。

近义词:except,on condition that… ,only if …not ,observe [b'zv] vt. 观察;遵守;说;注意到;评论 vi.


n. observation 观察;监视;观察报告。


eg: it was observed by none.


you see, but you do not observe.


trail [trel] vt. 追踪;拖;蔓延;落后于 n. 小径;痕迹;尾部;踪迹。

n. trailer 拖车;[电视] 预告片;追踪者。

eg: they were trailing a deer.


短语:on the trail 追踪,寻找;follow the trail 顺着足迹

on trail 受审;试行;在实验中 ***** trail 书面记录

近义词:vt.追踪;拖;蔓延;落后于trace,n.小径;痕迹;尾部;踪迹 track

print [prnt] n. 印刷业;印花布;印刷字体;印章;印记。

vt. 印刷;打印;刊载;用印刷体写;在…印花样。

eg:please write your name and address in print.


短语:blue print n. 蓝图;方案;设计图

out of print 绝版的;已绝版;已售完。

print out (打)印出 print preview 打印预览

finger print 指纹;指印 foot print n. 脚印

fur [f] n. 皮,皮子;毛皮;软毛n. 水垢。

adj. furry 毛皮的;盖着毛皮的;似毛皮的。

eg: she was wearing a black leather jacket with a fur collar, jeans and boots.

he sat down by the wall slowly, still holding on to the cat and stroking its fur.


短语:fur coat 皮毛大衣 fox fur 狐皮 artificial fur 人造毛皮

fake fur 人造革;假裘皮;仿造皮毛

cling [kl] vi. 坚持,墨守;紧贴;附着。

eg: the two friends cling together wherever they go.


短语:cling to sth 粘住,附着,坚持。

eg: the smell of smoke still clung to her clothes烟味仍附着在她衣服上不散。

she had clung to the belief that her son could come back one day.


新概念第三册笔记。第一课 美洲狮 学名 又称美洲金猫 山狮 银狮等,是栖息于北美洲 中美洲 南美洲的食肉目猫科动物,分类上属美洲金猫属。体形和花豹相仿,但外观上没有花纹且头骨较小。美洲狮擅于跳跃,主要以野生动物兔 羊 鹿为食,在饥饿时也会盗食家畜家禽,在北美某些区域已逐渐与人类生活圈靠近,因此在受到...


a private conversation 私人谈话。查单词 privateadj.私人的 conversation n.交谈。lastadj.最后的,上一个的。theatren.电影院。seatn.座位。playn.剧本。interestingadj.有趣的。enjoyvt.喜爱。读句子 las...


lesson1a private conversation 一词组。1向某人抱怨某事2去剧院3对 感兴趣4玩的高兴5变得生气6忍受7转过身8生气得看9注意10不注意11出差。12少管闲事13对 生气14与某人谈话15最后16到 末尾17到 末为止18对 粗鲁19有个座位。20都不 三者 二知识点。1...