
发布 2024-02-17 01:20:09 阅读 1660



反义词)__复数)__on (反义词)__

过去式单数缩写反义词 (反义词现在分词复数11. snowman(复数)__过去式)__12. forwards(反义词)__形容词 (现在分词)__18.

am(过去式 (形容词)__反义词)__比较级)__20. wind(形容词。


)1. four lines make aa.

) is going to teach li mingthis

) iseggs in the you playpaino?

) christmas tree haschinese on

) hea gift at the

)7do you take off your jacket? -because i’m

) usually rats onb.

) dresses or

)10.--can you fly a kite? -ii sureb. doc. think()11.__play a game now.

a .let isb . we arec . let’sd .let was

) am going to come __monday .

) shoes. it’s time __play , about() your friendshe is a girl.

or boy or a boy or or girl() 15. we must go to school___sixthe

) give __a cup of water.__cup isn’t here...a. i, mine

四、选择合适的答语(10分)()in the bedroom?()does the girl cry?

) did you do yesterday?()are you from?

) are you going to do?a. i’m from china.

b. because she hurts her i’m going to skate on the there is a i went to the park.五。



2. isyourteacheraman?(作肯定回答)

does her homework at home.(改为一般疑问句)

are three buses in the bus stop.(对划线部分提问)

is rainy today.(对划线部分提问)

六、按要求完成下列句子。(5分)1it’s 10:10. (写出问句)

helps, mother , sometimes, her (连词成句 i walked to school.

tomorrow i根据提示补全句子) is danny doing now?



now jenny and danny are __1___tv. jenny is sitting __2___a chair and danny is sittingbeside __3___can you __4___lynn and bob in the picture? they are playing cards.

arethey playing loudly __5___quietly ?they are playing __6___where are mr. and mrs.

smith?theyarereading___7___him at the table in the corner __10___the room?

) watch b. watches c. watching() inc. to() sheb.

) quietly() amb. isc. are() areb. of


december 25th is christmas day. it is a special holiday in western countries.(国家) the adults(大人)don’t work,students don’t go to school.

people invite their family and friends. they give giftsto each other. they usually sing songs at christmas.

the songs are called carols. there is a verynice old man. he is in red clothes and red hat.

he has a big bag. there are many gifts in it .childrelike him very much.

) 1. christmas is a special holiday in eastern countries.()2.

people invite their family and friends.()3. sometimes they sing carols at christmas.

) 4. santa is a very nice man in red clothes and white hat.()5.

there are many clothes in his bag.


unit 2单元知识。短语。1.your new home 你的新家2.very big 非常大。3.far from 远离4.live on moon street 住在月亮街。to school 来学校6.live near school 住在学校附近。foot 步行8.live in suns...


2011 2012学年度第二学期六年级科学测试题。班级姓名得分。一 填空题 将正确的答案写在横线上。3 20 60分 1 蚜虫的天敌是。2 自然界中的大部分固体物质都是或由组成。3和被人们称为 夏季大三角 4 太阳系是以太阳为的,由。等组成的一个天体系统。5 光的传播速度是每秒钟万千米。年美国化学家...


六年级语文上册第十单元试卷。一 基础知识 20分 1 把下列词语补充完整。急 焚一动 昏 花。脱 而出大名神 莫 锣鼓 天感人不安。2 根据课文内容填空并连线。鸟宿池边树王安石泊船瓜洲 明月何时照我还贾岛题李凝幽居 3 在下面括号里填上带有 风 字的词语,不要重复。化雨习习凛冽送爽 怒号骤雨劲草细雨...