小学六年级英语下册第二单元练习 1

发布 2024-02-17 01:20:09 阅读 6296





2 last week a let's talk

s learn

教学重点:句型 how was your weekend ? it was...过去式)

what did you do last weekend? -过去式。

单词 cleaned my room. washed my clothes. stayed at home. watched tv




1. a昨天你去公园了吗)

b: yes, i went to the park yesterday .

2. a上周二你们在做什么)

b: we read books in the library last tuesday.

3. a你喜欢游泳吗)

b: no,i don’t like swimming .

4. a这周末你做什么了)

b: i am going to plant trees this weekend .

5. a: what did chen jie do last weekend ?

去公园) b

6. a: what did sarah do last night ?

看书) b

7. a: does john like fishing ?

肯定回答) b

8. what did do last weekend ?

做运动) b

9. what are you doing now ?

听**) b

10. a: did you help your mother do housework last weekend ?


11. a: how does your uncle go to work ?

坐公共汽车) b

12. a: are you doing your homework ?

否定回答) b


went , much , took , him , tomorrow , cold , after , yesterday , usually , because i am mike.__i go to school on morning i___to school by bus___i got up late. john was absent this morning.

he went swimming___and had athe doctor asked him to stay in bed and___some after zhang peng and went to his home and visited___he is___better. i hope he can go to school___


ab: good morning .

ab: i___to music. i___my homework

a: i __tv, watched insects and __my room .

b: wow ! you were very busy

a: i am going to fly kites this afternoon. would you like to __with me

b: sure .

a. play

b. what did you do last weekend?

c. good morning.

d. what are you going to do now?

e. watched

f. did

g. what about you?

h. listened

i. cleaned


) 1. a. clean b. watch c. stay d. tall

) 2. a. had b. washed d. watched

) 3. a. saw b. good c. ok d. fine

) 4. a. yesterday b. now c. last weekend d. last monday

) 5. a. does b. do c. didd. slept


1. your how weekend was

2. home and i tv at stayed watched

3. tea in we afternoon drank the

4. i room my clothes my washed cleaned and

5. you do did what


)1. was your weekend? a. who b. how c. which

)2. -how are you?. i’ma. ten b. fine c. watching tv

)3. -what did you do? -i___at home with your grandma

staying c. stayed

)4. -was it interesting

a. yes, it isn’t. b. no, it was. c. yes, it was.

)5. going by bus is __than walking. a. fast b. faster

)6. -what did you do last weekend? -i___a film. a. see b. seeing

)7. -what did john do yesterdayslept. a. i b. he c. she


1. i (cook)__dinner last monday.

2. i (play)__football last weekend.

3. i (like)__the food yesterday.

4. i (visit)__my grandparents last weekend.

5. i (stop)__to look at the flower.

6. i (study)__english last nigh


( cold, better, bed, take, today, see, sad, doesn’t, can’t, go, come, drink,youis wednesday. tom is very , he go to school. he has a badhe has to and the doctor.

the doctor tells himsome medicine and hot drinks. stay in for a few days. you will feel soon.


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一 英汉互译。1.交通规则2.右转3.在左边。4.与。相邻5.漫画书6.去旅行。7.集邮 a magazine pal二 根据要求写词。1 no 同音词 2 bus 复数 3 let s 完整形式 4 left 反义词 5 teacher 动词 6 watch 第三人称单数 7 near 反义词 8...