
发布 2024-02-17 01:15:09 阅读 9139






什么 what谁 who

谁的 whose在** where

哪一个which为什么 why

星期几what day几点 what time

怎样 how怎么样how about

多少how many+名词复数 ⑿ 多少岁 how old

多少钱 how much什么颜色 what colour

15)问“干什么” :

一般现在时问“干什么” what do xx do?

what does xx do?

现在进行时问“正在干什么” what (be) xx doing ?

16)问度周末: how do (does) xx spend one’s weekends ?

1、yang ling gets up at half past six.

yang ling __up?

2、my brother often does his homework at the weekends.

your brother often __his homework?

3、nancy is from the uk.

nancy from?

4、the grape is in my mouth.

the grapes?

5、they like doing exercise.

they like doing?

6、the girl in red is playing the piano now.

girl is playing the piano now?

7、this jacket is wang bing’s.

this jacket?

8、 there is one butterfly near the flowers.

near the flowers?

9、 miss zhang and i usually go to school by bike.

miss zhang and i usually go to school?

10、the girl has got a bad cold.

has got a bad cold?

答:硫酸铜溶液的颜色逐渐变浅,取出铁钉后,发现浸入硫酸铜溶液中的那部分变红了。11、the students in my school like english and art.

students like english and art?

17、近年来,我国积极推广“无车日”活动,以节约能源和保护环境。科学家也正在研制太阳能汽车和燃料电池汽车,减少对空气的污染。12、it’s tuesday today.

it today?

17、近年来,我国积极推广“无车日”活动,以节约能源和保护环境。科学家也正在研制太阳能汽车和燃料电池汽车,减少对空气的污染。13、they ususlly watch tv in the evening.

they usually __in the evening?

14、the t-shirt is eighty yuan.

the t-shirt?

14、在显微镜下观察物体有一定的要求。物体必须制成玻片标本,才能在显微镜下观察它的精细结构。15、i usually make clothes in the evening.

11、显微镜的发明,是人类认识世界的一大飞跃,把有类带入了一个崭新的微观世界。为了看到更小的物体,人们又研制出了电子显微镜和扫描隧道显微镜。电子显微镜可把物体放大到200万倍you usually __in the evening?


③在工业生产和医药卫生中也都离不开微生物。16、they live in the same town.

they live?

17、 my parents usually read books after supper.

答:优点:占地小,避免了垃圾污染地下水,产生的热量还可以用来发电your parents usually __after supper?

3、除了我们日常生活产生的家庭垃圾外,工厂、学校、医院、建筑工地等每天也在产生大量的垃圾。18、 wang bing surfs the internet on saturday afternoon.

wangbing __on saturday afternoon?

15、为了便于辨认,人们把看起来不动的星星分成群,划分成不同的区域,根据其形态想象**、动物或其他物体的形状,并且给它们命名。天空中这些被人们分成的许多区域就称为星座。19、 he likes collecting animal stamps.

he like __


③在工业生产和医药卫生中也都离不开微生物。20、 she usually reads science magazines on sunday morning.

she usually __on sunday morning?

21、 he has seven lessons every day.

lessons __he __every day?


答 尽可能地不使用一次性用品 延长物品的使用寿命 包装盒纸在垃圾中比例很大,购物时减少对它们的使用。15 经过有效处理的废水,可以排放到湖泊 河流和海洋中,也可以渗入地下。4 咀嚼馒头的外皮也可以感觉到甜味吗?为什么?11 在淡水资源短缺的情况下,水污染更给人类和其他生物造成了威胁。绝大多数的水污染...


一 特殊疑问句。练一练 1 ais the boy in blue?b he s mike.2 awallet is it?b it s mine.3 ais the diary?b it s under the chair.4 ais the chirstmas day?b it s on the...


1.当句中有be动词 am,is are 时,改成否定句时,在加not 改成一般疑问句时。2.当句子中时,改成否定句时,在情态动词改成一般疑问句时。列出你学过的情态动词。3.当句中时,这时候就要使用到助动词。改成否定句,根据时态或者人称在动词前面加上改成一般疑问句,根据时态,人称使用。4.祈使句的主...