
发布 2024-02-17 01:10:09 阅读 1505

一、连线。a talka.对……感兴趣 a bookb.

新学期 interesting inc .谈话 penfriendsd.还书 of intereste .

交笔友 new termf.名胜古迹。


)1、i___buy a story book to to going to

)2、what’s your f**ourite )3、do you like___

swimming()4、ito supermarker last friday .a. go b. went

)5、i’m going to __some by b. buy c. bought

) 6、there __red couplets, red clothes, red lanterns .a. is b.

arec. did( )7、what else did you do?

i___the fireworks and dragon dance in the street..a. hope b.

red c. watched( )8、we shouldn’t __these eat b. do c.

to do( )9、the deeper, thea. cold b. colder c.


)10、they willbasketball after school.

a. play b. plays c. playing

)11、—,where is the cinema?—it is next to the post office.

me b. hello c. sorry

)12、—mother's day is shall we send her?

we'd better her some beautiful send ) 13、当你称赞这道菜美味可口时,应说:

a. yes,please ! b.

that's right. c. it's really nice and delicious.

( 14、are you ready __the trip?a、atb、forc、of( )15、i'm lookinga c、at( )16、help __to some food, b、youselves c、you( )17、你准备去哪?

a、where are you going ? b、where are you going to?c、when are you going ?

三、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1、go shop let’s flower to the.

2、please me your card library show.

3、i you can for do what?

4、our welcome school to !

5、the, read, in, don't, sun, please.

6、sisters, brothers, you, any, or, got, h**e?

7、black, all, like, i, at, don’t.

9、drink, like, something, you, to, would?

10、we, what, do, shall?


a. may i speak to li shan,please? b.

are you li shan?2.当你听说同学有不幸的事情时,你应该说:

()sorry to hear thatb. nothing serious.3.

当你上课迟到了,站在门口时你要说:()the door, pleaseb. may i come in,please?

4.如果你是一位大夫,患者来看病时你应该说:()s wrong with you?

b. what do you like?5.

你是一位售货员,当有顾客来买东西时,你应该说:()a. what do you can i do for you?


who are you ? b. who’s that speaking?

7.打**时说“我是李明”,应说:( a.

i’m li ming b. this is li ming

sorry you are going to england. “sorry”的含义是:()a.对不起b.难过。

五、将正确的答语的序号填在括号里。()are you?a.

it's white.()colour is your coatb. it's ten yuan.

()is the weather?c. i'm fine,thank you.

()much is a pend. no,i can't.

) you play the pianoe. it's cloudy and windy.()6、who will take you heref、my parents()7、what size does danny wear?

g、no,not yet.


)8、how did you come hereh、the nearest one()9、which supermarket shall we go to? i、by plane()10、is everything readyj、small.六、把下列词组或短语译成汉语。

1、lucky money2、spring festival3、make jiaozi4、too many5、all kinds of6. dry up


look at that boy. his name is liu bing. he’s a chinese boy.

he is in the kitchen. he likes yang is athome too. she is in the study.

she likes drawing. is gao shan at home? no, he is in the park.

he is thirsty. hewants to drink some juice. miss li is in the office.

she is reading.()bing is in the kitchen .(bing likes eating pears.

()yang isn’t in the study .

) shan is thirsty and he wants to drink.()li is drawing .

little johnny is a good boy. he studies very enjoys swimming, singing,dangcing,drawing and playingfootball. he often watches football on tv.

he wants to be a football player in the future. his father likes watchingfootball matches,too. playing football is their f**ourite sport.

( johnny is a good girl.

) johnny doesn't like singing songs.

) johnny often watches football matches on tv.( father enjoys watching football,too.( f**ourite sport is playing basketball.

sunday september 27thfine

today i went to see my penfriend in xi’an. wehad a talk for long time. how happy we were!

he isfrom penfriends. he also want’s to learn kung fu. he hopes i can visit beijing one day.

1、li qiang is from xi’an2、li qiang is my friend3、i’m interested in playing basketball.()

4、li qiang came to xi’an yesterday.( 5、li qiang is interested inkung fu.(


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