
发布 2024-02-17 01:05:09 阅读 8044



单词运用。1. did you (买)a box of cake? no, i didn’t

2. the girl has a good主意)

3. he is (写)a letter.

4. my grandfather居住)in that house.

5. john得到)a bottle of shampoo yesterday.

6穿上)your coat please.

7. i’m寻找)my shoes.

8 jenny usuallyher (骑车)to school.

9怎样)do they go to school.

10. tom乘公共汽车)to the mall yesterday.

11多久一次)do you去跳舞)?


12. how many女孩)are there in your班)?

there are (三十).

13颜色)is the (短裙)?.it’s红色)

14. he去游泳) a一个星期一次)

15. we go跑步)every morning.

16. i (寄)a letter to my friend yesterday.

17. my sister can游泳).

18. ben去跳舞)yesterday.

19. gogo乘)the planebeijing once a month.

20. my sister通常)goes to school at 7:00.

am going to寄)a letter to my friend.

22. jim居住)in beijing.

23. she has a bag of薯条).

24. what did you buy yesterday? i买)a pen.

25. give me a对)of socks.

26. she usually乘) a subway to work.

27. how often do you eat fish ? about___两次)a week.

28. i am寻找) some water.

29. they去游泳)last sunday.

30. my sister is擅长于) singing.

31. i bought these袜子) yesterday.

32. tom变魔术)at the party last night.

33. there are___48个)students in our class.

34. they are听……)the radio.

35. kate想) to be a nurse.

36. this watch is not cheap. it’s贵的).

37. my sister喜欢小鸡)very much.

38. let me试)your new bike.

trousers are sixty美元).

40. she has a白色的)shirt.

41. this book is very___thick, thicker)

42. his shirt isbut my shirt ischeap , cheaper)

43. who istall, taller), tom or jim?

44is, are) the elephants big? yes.

45. he __eats, ate) all my apples yesterday.

46. which issmall, smaller), a baseball or a soccer?

47. pleasegive, g**e) a ruler to me.

48. i h**e manygift, gifts).

li willfaster, be faster) in the race.

50. i willget , got) a letter from my uncle.

51. my uncle isn’ttall, taller). he is short.

is tooyoung , younger) to go to school.

53. i收到)many礼物)last sunday.

54谁的)room is __大), yours___或者) hers?

55. the horse runs very快). but the plane runs __快).

56they are (跑)to the school.

57他最喜欢的季节)is fall.

58. he吃鱼)for lunch yesterday.

59我所有的朋友)come from canada.

60. i起床)late yesterday morning.

会面) at the __大门口) of our school.

pencil is长的) than the ruler.

is在…之后) spring.

64. let’s乘)a train to beijing.

li教) us english.

66. we给)them some cakes yesterday.

cousin is going to写)a letter to me now.

68远足)is my f**orite sport.

69. please照顾) your mother.

70. she找到) a lot of (食物) yesterday.

71. jenny is寄) a gift her friend.

72. my pencil is便宜)than yours.

73. tim and jim usually play with___我们)after school.

74. i h**e a beautiful图画).

75. who is年长的), ann or kate ?

76. we给)them some cakes yesterday.

77. i am比……重) than you.

is a house in the图画).

79. he吃)two cookies yesterday morning.

80. my mother loves我们)very much.

81. which is更大), a cat or a monkey?

82. my最喜欢的)animal is a hippo.

83. i am going to给)my brother two礼物).

hat is五十美元).

85. tom, please照顾)your sister.


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