人教版 小学六年级英语易错点

发布 2024-02-16 23:35:08 阅读 2025

1、would you like___at the party?

a perform b perform to c to perform

2、the sun isthan the earth.

a smaller b big c bigger

3、lileia book yesterday.

a reading b read c reads

4we go for a walk?

a let’s b shall c will

5、this one is very cheap. whatthat one ?

a does b are c about

6、we willyou a surprise.

a give b to give c giving

7、there are two pencil box on the desk.(画出错误的地方并改正。

8、how many is the toy boat? it’s ten yuan. (画出错误的地方并改正。

9、this’s my english teacher. (画出错误的地方并改正。

10、你看起来年龄比我小。youthan me.(根据意思补全句子)

11、what did you梦见)?(根据意思补全句子)

12、汤姆经常拍**。tom often根据意思补全句子)

13、he runs asfast/faster)as his friend.(选择合适单词填空)

14、in the morning ,i go toschool/the school). 选择合适单词填空)

15、--did youpictures yesterday?

--yes , i did.

a take b took c taking d he**ier

16、--how big are your

--i wear size 23.

a foot b food c small d feet

17、thereno computers or internet in my time.

a is b was c were d are

18、--how does he go to work ?

--he usuallyto work by car.

a went b go c goes d going

19、my sister canride) a horse.(用所给单词的正确形式填空)

20、i likeplay) football. (用所给单词的正确形式填空)

21、therebe) a pen and two pencils on the desk. (用所给单词的正确形式填空)


are, size, what, shoes, your(?)

know, you, do, that, how(?)

want, film, to, i, t he, buy, magazine, new(.)

where , on , you , go ,your , holiday , did(?)

23、what are you going to buy?(根据“礼物”回答问题)

24、what do you h**e on mondays?(根据“english ,art ,music “回答问题)

25、mike感冒)last weekend.(根据提示完成句子)

26、( a now b window c shadow (选择发音不同的一项)

27、( a fixed b cleaned c washed (选择发音不同的一项)

28、my birthday isoctober.

a in b on c at

29、what are you going to do

a now b yesterday c tomorrow

30、hehis left foot last night.

a hurts b hurted c hurt

31dog is it?

--it’s __

a who’s;hers b whom; her c whose; hers

32、theremany books on the desk two days ago.

a was b are c were

33、mary oftendo) her homework on sunday morning.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)

34、oscar is going tostudy) in a university this year . 用所给单词的适当形式填空)

35、this is mytwelve) birthday. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

36、--did your mother listen to music yesterday?(作否定回答)

--no37、his friend is 1.75 metres.(对划线部分提问)

is his friend?

38、john could run very fast.(改为一般疑问句)

___johnvery fast?

39、mike ofteneat) breakfast at 7 o’clock every day. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

40、yourfoot) are bigger than mine. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

41、he went to the park by bike. (对划线部分提问)

42、( who when (读音同t,否f)

)work fork (读音同t,否f)

43、there __no computers in the old time.

a was b were c / d are

44、sarah’s feet are __than

a big; my feet b bigger; mine c bigger; my

45、i was short before,so i couldn’tmy bike well.

a ride b rode c riding

46、tom: i wear size 40 shoes.

sam: i wear size 42 shoes.

kim: i wear size 41 shoes.

sam:i’m __one.

a biggest b the biggest c bigger

47、wewash hands before eating.

a shouldn’t b are c should

48、they go to workmondayfriday.

a from; on b for; to c from; to



50、( a went b worried c stay d watched (选出不同类的一项)

51、you did anything do else (?连词成句)

52、my ride i well bike couldn’t (.连词成句)

53、mike: howyour sister go to school?


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