
发布 2024-02-15 07:50:11 阅读 5132



nothing is impossible to a willing heart!



姓名。unit 1

重点句型:her hair was short and her eyes were big.


1. month 一个月的时间;月份。

in this photo, she was two months old. 这张**里的她两个月。

2. cute 可爱的。

in this photo, she was small and cute. 这张**里的她又小又可爱。

3. pretty 漂亮的。

now, she is tall and pretty. 现在她又高又漂亮。

4. handsome 英俊的;帅气的。

he is tall and handsome. 他又高又帅。

5. turtle 乌龟。

he meets a turtle. 他遇见一只乌龟。

6. catch 逮住;捕捉。

she can catch flies. 她会捕捉苍蝇。

7. fly 苍蝇n. 飞v.

the turtle cannot catch flies. 乌龟不会捕捉苍蝇。

8. grow up 长大;成长。

i want to be a teacher when i grow up. 我长大后想成为一名老师。

9. junior high school 初级中学。

she goes to junior high school. 她读初中。

10. (be) born 出生。

justin was born in the river. justin 在河流出生。

unit 2

重点句型: how was your summer holiday?


it was wonderful!we went to the great wall.

非常棒! 我们去了长城。

1. famous 著名的;出名的。

we also went to some famous parks in beijing. 我们也去了北京一些著名的公园。

2. during 在…期间。

we went to beijing during the summer holiday. 在暑假期间,我们去了北京。

3. spend 度过。

they spent their holiday in london. 他们在伦敦度过了他们的假期。

4. everyone 每个人;所有人。

everyone had a good time. 每个人都过得很开心。


jill stayed in the countryside during the summer holiday. jill在暑假期间待在农村。

6. pick 采摘。

she picked apples with her grandmother yesterday. 昨天她和她的奶奶摘苹果。

unit 3

重点句型: what did you h**e for breakfast this morning?


i had some bread and milk.


1. healthy 健康的;有益健康的。

that’s not healthy. 那是不健康的。

2. unhealthy 不健康的;损害健康的。

they are fat and unhealthy. 他们又肥又不健康。

3. hamburger 汉堡包。

i had two hamburgers and some cola.我吃了两个汉堡包和喝了一些可乐。

4. cola 可乐。

they drink a lot of cola. 他们喝大量的可乐。

5. yesterday 昨天。

i had these for breakfast yesterday too. 我昨天也吃了这些作早餐。

6. fruit 水果。

you should drink some milk and eat some fruit. 你应该喝些牛奶和吃些水果。

7. pie 馅饼。

i like apple pie. 我喜欢苹果馅饼。

8. pizza 比萨饼。

pizza is my f**ourite food. 比萨饼是我最喜欢的食物。

9. sandwich 三明治。

i had two sandwiches and some milk. 我吃了两个三明治和喝了一些牛奶。

10. vegetable 蔬菜。

tim and judy eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. tim 和judy 吃很多水果和蔬菜。

11. chicken 鸡肉。

they eat some fish, chicken and eggs. 他们吃一些鱼,鸡肉和鸡蛋。

12. chocolate 巧克力。

i eat a lot of candy and chocolate. 我吃很多糖果和巧克力。

13. a little 少量的。

they eat a little sweet food. 他们吃很少甜食。

14. fish and chips 炸鱼薯条。

in the uk, people like eating fish and chips. 在英国,人们喜欢吃炸鱼薯条。


重点句型: did you play with sam last weekend?


yes, i did.


1. neighbour 邻居。

the greens are my neighbours. 格林一家人是我的邻居。

2. son 儿子。

they h**e a son. 他们有一个儿子。

3. daughter 女儿。

they h**e a son and a daughter. 他们有一个儿子和一个女儿。

4. noisy 吵闹的。

the owl was a noisy neighbour. 猫头鹰是一个吵闹的邻居。

5. owl 猫头鹰。

one night, the owl made noise again. 一天晚上,猫头鹰又在制造噪音。

6. dig 挖(土);掘(洞)

let’s dig a hole and sleep in it. 让我们挖个洞然后在里面睡觉吧。

7. make noise 制造噪音。

every night, he made a lot of noise. 每天晚上,他都在制造噪音。

unit 5

重点句型: in the past, there were many pandas, but now there are only about one thousand six hundred pandas in the wild.


1. thousand 一千。

there are only about ten thousand blue whales in the wild. 现在大概只有一万只蓝鲸。

2. hundred 一百。

there are only one thousand six hundred pandas in the wild. 现在大概只有一千六百只熊猫。

3. south china tiger 华南虎。

in the past, there were many south china tigers. 在过去,有很多华南虎。

4. way 路;方式;方法。

she found elsa on her way home. 她在回家的路上找到elsa。

5. die 死;死亡。

elsa’s mother died, so joy took care of her. elsa 的妈妈死了,所以joy 照顾她。

6. rhino 犀牛。

they saw a rhino. 他们看到一只犀牛。

7. learn 学会;学习。

elsa grew up and learnt a lot. elsa 已经长大了并学会了很多东西。

8. send 安排去;寄;送。

then joy sent her back to the wild. 然后joy把她送回野生环境。

9. in danger 面临危险。

these animals are in danger. 这些动物正面临危险。

10. in the past 在过去。

in the past, there were many pandas. 在过去,有很多熊猫。

11. go for a walk 去散步。

one day, joy and elsa went for a walk. 有一天,joy和elsa 去散步。

12. drive away 赶走。

elsa drove away the rhino and s**ed joy. elsa 赶走犀牛,救了joy。

unit 6

重点句型:would you like to h**e e-friends in other countries?


1. e-friend 网友。

would you like to h**e e-friends in other countries? 你想要有一些其他国家的网友吗?

2. country 国家。

i h**e some e-friends in other countries. 我有一些其他国家的网友。

3. team (游戏或运动的)队。

we often talk about our f**ourite football teams. 我们经常谈论我们喜欢的足球队。


牛津版小学英语。六年级上册复习资料。nothing is impossible to a willing heart 有志者事竟成!本次期末考试,我英语的目标分数是 分!姓名。unit 1 重点句型 her hair was short and her eyes were big.以前她的头发很短,...


一。教材的编写依据和特点 1.依据。本套教材是根据我国基础教育阶段英语课程改革精神和英语课程标准二级目标的要求编写的。2.特点。1 从视听入手,注重听说训练 2 按 话题 功能 结构 体系编写 3 贴近学生的生活和学习实际 4 采用循环式编排方法。二。教材的编写体系 本册教科书与5a,5b 相似,共...


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