
发布 2024-02-11 20:10:09 阅读 1913




(第三人称单数复数 (同音词 (复数。

(单词 (同音词缩略形式 (复数名词性物主代词 (反义词。


1.儿童节2. look the same3.

双胞胎的父母亲4. h**e a chat5.比她小两岁6..

a map of the world7.玩的开心8. look young9.

去钓鱼10. the same age三、单项选择(15×1’=15’)

) _got a chinese isb. hasc. h**e

) is mr li's room. _room is heb. herc. the

)3.__any bags in the classroom..a. there areb. is therec. there aren't

)4. a: h**e you got any books?ba. yes, i h**e no, i h**en' yes, i am.()are

a. apple tree b. apple treesc. apples trees() some water on the beb. arec. is

) good friends in there are b. h**ec. has

)8.–i’m sorry i can’t play a computer game. –don’t worry.

i’ll __speak tob. playc. show

) is cold today. you mustyour take off b. put onc. pick up

) can run as __as his fastb. fasterc. farther

) are in differenta. classb. a classc. classes

) you like __after you finish the school?a. a teacher b. be a teacherc. to be a teacher

) _to school at 6:40 every day, but yesterday she __to school at goes, goes b. goes, wentc.

went, goes

) likesbut she doesn’t __doing housework..a. cooking, likesb.

to cook, to likec. cooking, like() are good __trees.


a. climbb. in climbingc. at climbing四、用动词的正确形式填空(5×1’=5’)

1 . can youmake ) a ***** plane for me ?2 . do they likeswim) ?

3. look ! my sisterplay ) with the toy cars .

4. they aretryfollow ) the lingnot watch ) tv every day.五、介词填空(5×1’=5’)

1. it’s half past six in the afternoon. it’s timesupper, boys and girls.

2. excuse me, what’s this __english?3.

kick it __him, keeper points __the sign.5. open it __me, please.


read, in, don't, library, all, like, i, at, don’ do, i, for, what, like, something, you, to, 七、改错(圈出有误的一项,并写出正确的答案。)(5×2’=10’)1. i like taking photo.

can speak english good.

3. there were lot of trees in the park.4. what do you do last week?

means you shouldn’t ****** noise here.八、阅读理解(5×1’=5’)

the lion and the mouse

once a great lion was sleeping. a little mouse came and ran over his face. the lion awoke(醒来) andcaught the little mouse in anger(生气), and was going to kill(吃掉) her.

“oh, dear kind(善良) lion!” saidthe little mouse. “please forgive(放过) me.

let me go. i shall return(回报) your kindness.’’ha, ha, ha,’’laughed the lion.

“how can a little thing like you help a great lion?’’thank you very much, kind lion! ihope i shall be able to do you a good return some day,’’said the little mouse.

some day, the lion was caught in a trap. just then the little mouse came along. at once she ran up to thelion, and said, “you were very kind to me once.

now i'll s**e(救) your life, and repay(回报) you thekindness.’’soon she gnawed the ropes of the trap with her sharp(锋利的) teeth, and the lion was happy tobe free(自由) again. “thank you, little mouse!

’’said the lion, and he walked away.()lion was bad b. kindc.

smalld. little


) mousethis lion’s didn’t s**eb. s**ed c. killedd. gnawed

) mouse gnawed the ropes of the trap with __

a. her sharp teeth. b.

her big mouth c. her strong legs d. her sharp paw() lion was happy becausea.

he ate a mouse b. he was free again

c. the mouse was so kind d. he helped the mouse() is the chinese meaning of “trap”?











六年级英语毕业复习试卷 十三 用括号内所给的词的适当形式填空。1.do you the boyi don t.n u 2.please the answer 答案 on the blackboard.rait 3.mrs.is in dress.black 4.it s time to go to ...


a ten dollars b twenty c ten yuan 9 can i help you i want a hamburger a hamburger me,too.a to b for c of 10 how much is it it s a ten dollars twenty f...


盐城市第一小学。2005 2006学年度第二学期六年级英语期中阶段形成性检测试卷考试时间60分钟,卷面总分100分 同学们,还有两个多月你们就要跨进中学的门槛了。在这之前,让我们一起来检验一下自己的英语水平吧!聪明的你一定能行!听力材料。一 选出你所听到的单词。听一遍 8分 a 1.a outing...