
发布 2024-02-13 01:05:06 阅读 9249



1. do you the boyi don’t. (n u])

2. please the answer(答案) on the blackboard.([rait])

3. mrs. is in dress. (black)

4. it’s time to go to bed. pleaseturn on) the tv.

5are teachers. (they)

6. the twofriend) names are jim and tom.

7. i’d likeh**e) a cake.

8. how manytree) can you see?

9. this isumbrella).

10. thetwin) parents are doctors.

11. please give me somestrawberry).

12. we h**e someorange). they’re big.

13. please look afterthey).

14. wherebe) my cousins?

15. tom a new coat. but his classmates some new jackets. (h**e)

16. it’s nine in he evening. it’s time toget up).

17. tom and jim are insame) classes.

18. mr and mrs green h**e fourchild).

19. he’s fromhe’samerican).

20. we don’t h**esome) dolls.

21football is over

22. the girl is between the twoman).

23not open) the door, please.

24. i my cat. it’slove).

25. the are in the office. (teacher)

26. a dog has fourfoot).

27. eleven plus seven iseight).

28. let’splay) in the playgroud.

29. jimread) now.

30. miss gao is our teacher. we’re students.

we all like (she).


适用版本:人教版,苏教版, 鲁教版,北京版,语文a版,语文s版,冀教版,沪教版,北大师大版,人教版新版,外研版,新起点,牛津译林,华师大版,湘教版,新目标,苏科版,粤沪版,北京版,岳麓版。




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六年级毕业练习试卷 十 name 把下边几段话排序,组成完整的对话 1.i m a new student here.where s miss gao s office?2.sure.3.it s over there.next to class 2,grade 6.4.excuse me,can ...

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