
发布 2024-02-13 01:05:06 阅读 8073



一、指出每组单词中与其他三个不同一类的单词,并把books(单数过去式复数)__9. sister(对应词10. september (缩写它的编号写在相应的括号里。(5分)

) 1. a. riverb.

eatc. worryd. stay() 2.

a . pearb. applec.

flowerd. banana() 3. a.

breadb. milkc. tabled.

egg() 4. a. oneb.

twoc. firstd. four() 5.

a. tellb. sayc.

cookd. father二、英汉互译。(10分)

and snowy2. ride a to meet you

4. spring festival

5. what’s wrong with you, danny6.圣诞树7.步行去上学8.吃晚饭。





四、开心做选择,快乐你我他。(20分) is a surprise __li ming.

a. forb. toc. with2is the trip?

-- it is eleven hours to beijing.

a. how farb. how longc.

how other team __orange shorts and t- hasb. h**ec. brother is twenty __old.

a. yearb. yearesc. years5gifts do you h**e?--i h**e eleven gifts.

6.--excuse me! do you h**e __runners?--yes, i’ll show you.

a. someb. anyc. many7.--is this a __day?3.--no! it’s snowy!

a. rainyb. rainc. rainny6.

8.--is it kim’s pencil?

精品文档。--no, it’s not __pencil.

a. sheb. herc. hers

9. this is palace museum. it’s very old __beautiful?a. orb. andc. but

10. i know they __english and french in speakb. sayc.

talk11. -what’s __name?--name is danny.

a. my; ib. your; myc. your; i12.--how___you?--i’m fine.

a. amb. arec. be13. thank __very much.

a. yourb. you’rec. you14. -thanks a lot


15.--do you like salt , too

a. yes, i amb. this is saltc. yes, i do16.--for one hot dog?--five yuan.

a. how manyb. how muchc. what

精品文档。you h**e any __

a. appleb. an applec. _a student.

a. isb. amc.

is cold outside. put __your onb. inc.

at20. -may i ask you some question

a. yes, i canb. certainlyc. you’re welcome五、情景交融,礼貌用语。(5分)

1.当别人说:“i like your coat.”时,你应说:__a. i like thank you.2.你想知道这时谁的手套时,你应说:

a. whose are the hands?b. whose gloves are these?3.当你想知道今天是星期几时?你应说:

a. what is today?b. what day is it today?c.4.晚上要睡觉前,你跟妈妈说:

a. good evening, mum!b. good night, mum!5.早上和人打招呼时,你应说:

a. good good afternoon.六、给下列句子排序,使其成为一段完整的话。

(10分)()it’s my pleasure.()shall i take a bus?

) excuse me, where is the bookstore?

精品文档。) no, it isn’t far. you can walk there.()thanks a lot.

) it’s over there. follow me, please!七、用所给的动词的适当形式填空。(5分)

1 . look! the babiesplay) with the toy cars .

2. iget) up at 6:30 every morning.

3. do they likeswim)?

4. tom’s motherh**e) a nice basket.5. can youmake) a ***** plane now?


is a marker. (变复数句。

4:30 in the morning, i go home. (对画线部分提问。

f**orite clothes are shorts. (变否定句。

i take your picture? (作否定回答。

wanted to fly a kite. (变为一般将来时态。



marytime do you usually get __on sundaymorning ?

lily: _seven thirty.

mary: what __you usually do __sunday ?

lily:iusuallystayathomeanddo___i do my homework

or clean the house with my mother. what __you?mary:

i don’t often stay at home. sometimes i go __the park___my sister.

sometimes i___basketball with my friends.


i get up at 6:50 every morning. then i put on my clothesand shoes.

and i eat my breakfast at 7:20. i eat milk, appleand bread for my breakfast.

at 7:30 i go to school by bus. iarrive at school at 8:

00. then i h**e my lesson at 8:20.

i gohome at 5:30 pm after school.

1. _at 6:30 every morning.

get workb. get upc. wake up2. my breakfast is at

a.7: 20b. 7:30c. 7:00

精品文档。go to school___

a. by bikeb. by trainc. by bus

school at 8:00.

a. arrive atb. arrive inc. arrive

5. i___at 5:30 pm.

a. go homeb. playc. sleep十。





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