
发布 2024-02-13 00:50:06 阅读 7086




















1. 数字:基数词和序数词的运用,如计算、购物等。

基数词: one, two, three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten , eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen… twenty, twenty-one… thirty, forty, fifty… eighty, ninety, one/a hundred , one/a hundred and one… two hundred.

序数词: first , second , third , fourth , fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth… twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-four…thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth… eightieth, ninetieth…

相关句型:1) what time is it ? it’s half past ten.

2) when do you usually get up ? at six thirty-five.

3) how old are you? i’m twelve.

4) how much is it ? it is 50 yuan.

5) how many birds can you see in the tree? i can see 3.

6) how many dolls are there on the bed? there is one/a doll.

7) how many dolls are there on the bed? there are four dolls.

8) which floor do you live on? i live on the fifth floor.

9) excuse me, can you tell me the way to baiyun hotel?

yes, go down this street, then turn left at the third crossing….

注意: 基数词和序数词的书写规则和应用,是需要让学生特别关注的地方,是难点。在运用数词时,可以增添一些其它的练习。

如时间,体重,身高,年龄等,也可以适当的渗透there be句型。many /much 在用法上的区别 h**e/has的运用。以及上述所有出现的那些参与数词联系的句型。

2. 颜色:实物的颜色。

colours: red, pink, yellow, brown, blue, purple, orange, black, white, grey, dark blue, light blue.

相关句型: 1) what colour is your coat? it’s ..

2) what’s your f**ourite colour? my f**ourite colour is …

3. 时间:年、季节、月、星期、日、时刻。

year, season( spring, summer, autumn, winter) ,month: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december.

week: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday.


south南 north北 east 东 west西 left 左 right 右。

day:may 2nd ( may the second)

time: (an) hour, minute, second

句型:1) how old is your mother? she’s thirty-six years old.

2) how many months are there in a year? there are 12.

3) when’s your birthday? my birthday is on january 15th

4) when do you get up? i get up at six o’clock.

5) when does spring last? it lasts for 3 months from march to may.

6) what time is it? it’s 、、



rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 french fries炸薯条 cookie曲奇饼 biscuit饼干 jam果酱noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉 mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup汤 ice冰 ice-cream冰淇淋 coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 coffee咖啡 breakfast早餐lunch午餐 supper晚餐 dinner正餐。

句型:1) would you like something to drink/eat?

yes, i’d like some… /no, thanks .

2) would you like to eat/drink…?

i’d like to eat/drink… no, thanks .

3) what’s your f**ourite food/drink? my f**ourite food/drink is …

4) could i h**e some…? yes, please ./sure,here you are .

5. 服装:服装的颜色:人对服装的喜好;某人的穿戴; 所属关系。

jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫 t-shirtt恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress连衣裙 jeans牛仔裤 pants长裤 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 coat上衣 raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤 sneakers运动鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 boots靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 tie领带 scarf围巾 gloves手套

put on, wear ,in (穿)

所属关系: 形容词性的物主代词:my, your, his, her, its, our, their

名词性的物主代词: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs

句型:2) whose shoes are these? they’re tom’s .

3) is this /that/it your book? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.

4) is this pencil yours? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.

5) are these /those/they your coats and trousers?

yes, they are. no, they aren’t.

6)are those clothes theirs? yes, they are. no, they aren’t.

7) this is my hat. that hat is his.

注意: 名词单,复数;物主代词(名词性的物主代词,形容词性的物主代词);名词所有格,如:tom’s , my father’s , the teachers’


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