
发布 2024-02-13 00:50:06 阅读 2948


( )1. a. spring b. summer c. autumn d. weather

( )2. a. bread b. meat c. apple d. butter

( )3. a. cupboard b. desk c. window d. chair

( )4. a. sunny b. rain c. cloudy d. snowy

( )5. a. the b. near c. behind d. on


_ _er2 . s _ z

3. sh _ t _ r

5. b _ tw6._ n _ th _ r

t_ _g _ t


1、牙疼2、over there __

3、洗衣服4、on monday __

5、上周末6、go ice-skating___

7、弹钢琴8、buy presents __

9、拍照10. learn english___


1. by(同音词2. tall(反义词)__

3. he**y(比较级4. watch(单三形式)__

5. deer(复数现在分词)__

7. west(对应词8. i(宾格)__

9. see(过去式10. drive(名词)__




) 1. what___amy___last weekend ? a. did, do b. do, do c. does, do

) 2. mike __his clothes everyday. a. wash

) 3. we __h**e a football match tomorrow.

a. are going go to c. are going to

) 4. i failed my english test. i am

a. happy

) 5. how___you feelingi’m feeling better. a. am b. are c. do

) 6. it’s raining outside. tom___boreda. feel b. does c. feels

) 7. what did you do yesterday? -i __skiing.

a. go

) 8. how __are youi’m 160 cm tall.

a. old

) 9. my nosea. hurt b. hurts c. is hurting

) 10. _is it ? it’s tuesday.

a. what day b. what colour c. what

) 11. look, they are___the insects carefully.

a. watch

) 12. he is an __he draws pictures. a. actor

) 13. i played __piano. a. \

) 14. i get up __7:oo___the morning. a. at at b. at in in

) 15. i like to go __on sundays. a. fishing b. to fish


1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:(

a.let's go fishing this weekend. b.let's go hiking this weekend.

c.let's go ice-skating this weekend.

2. 当别人跟你说:may i borrow your dictionary?你回答说:(

a.ok,here you are. b.fine. c.i don't think so.

3. 当别人发生不幸的时候你可以问:(

a.not at all. b.i'm sorry to hear that.'re welcome.

4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:(

a.i' m sorry. b.hi. c.excuse me.

5. 当有人对你说happy birthday to you!时,你应说:( too. b.the same. c.thank you.

六.连词成句。( 10分)

1. likes he listening music to

2. did you there how go

3. do you when beijing to go

4. h**e i throat sore a

5. two years i’m than you younger


1. mike is 148 cm. sarah is 158 cm. (用taller 将两句合为一句)

2. she washes the clothes on sundays . 否定句)

ming usually walks to school .(同义句)

4. he is reading a book now . 就划线部分提问)

5. i did my homework yesterday. (变为一般疑问句)


)1. how he**y is isn’t.

)2. which ruler do you played football.

)3. is your throat is angry.

)4. how are you did.

)5. what’s wrong with square meters.

)6. what did you do last weekend? very well.


pep小学英语六年级毕业复习试题 附答案 一 根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。共10分,每小题2分 二 翻译下列短语 每空1分,共10分 1.全世界theworld2.制定计划a 3.去游泳4.长城the 5.起床。三 单项选择 每小题...

毕业总复习 PEP小学英语六年级

清华大学 英语系测试 为中小学生英语量身定做。官方 清华大学英语教授研究组提供。pep小学英语毕业总复习。一 学生易错词汇。1.a,an的选择 元音音素开头的单词用an,辅音音素开头的单词用 is are的选择 单数用is 复数用are,i 用 am you 用 are.3.h e ha...


一 写出下列字母对应的大 小写形式。10分 1.m2.e3.d 4.f5.h 6.i7.g8.p9.r 10.y 二 根据汉语意思,选择字母完成英语单词。5分 1.狗 d ga.2.鱼 3.安静的 qu t 4.跳 5.更瘦的 三 选出与其它单词不同类的选项。10分 cm strongerd.wor...