2024年小学六年级毕业水平检测英语试题 带答案

发布 2024-02-12 08:45:12 阅读 2233




)1. a. mtv b. kfc c. prc

)2. a. eraser b. crayon c. sharpener

)3. a. orange b. grape c. pear

)4. a. skirt b. shirt c. dress

)5. a. windy b. rainy c. snowy

)6. a. hamburger b. hot dog c. chicken

)7. a. cucumber b. onion c. carrot

)8. a. cold b. headache c. toothache

)9. a. longer b. stronger c. younger

)10. a. magazine b. dictionary c. news*****

二、听录音,判断你所听到的内容是否与图意相符,是则在该**下的括号里写“t”,否则写“f”。 读二遍。(共10分)


abab ab



)21. a. how are you? b. how do you do? c. fine, thanks.

)22. a. i’d like some chicken. b. i like apples. c. i h**e beef and tofu.

)23. a. it’s monday. b. it’s third of may. c. it’s big .

)24. a. sureb. yes, i amc. no, i can.

)25. a. i’m 51kg. b. i’m 155cm. c. i’m 12 years old.

)26. a. oct. 1stb. june 1stc. jan. 1st.

)27. a. he’s tall and thinb. he’s an engineer. c. he’s an actress.

)28. a. i’m going to hong kong. b. i’m going there by plane.

c. i’m going to buy a book.

)29. a. it’s sunny and hot. b. it’s warm and windy. c. it’s cool.

)30. a. it comes from the vapour. b. it comes from the clouds.

c. it comes from the water in the river.


)31. a. yellow b. snow c. now

)32. a. tea b. breakfast c. beef

)33. a. who b. why c. what

)34. a. sky b. funny c. very

)35. a. day b. play c. sunday


)36. it’s east __the cinema.

a. to b. for c. of

)37. did you __them clean their room?

a. help b. helped c. helping

)38. you’re 4cmthan me.

a. older b. bigger c. taller

)39. i can see many __on the hill.

a. sheep b. sheeps c. sheepes

)40. today isit’s christmas day.

a. november 25th b. december 25th c. june 1st

)41. i like playing __the piano. but i don’t like playing __football.

a. the, the b. the, /c. /

) can cook in the

a. kitchen b. study c. bathroom

)43. is this your english book? yes, it’s __

a. me b. yours c. mine

) throat is sore. my nose

a. hurtb. hurts c. hurted

)45.__did you go on your holiday?

a. where b. what c. when


)46. a. skateb. skiing

c. running

)47. a. put on your t-shirt

b. hang up your skirt

c. take off your t-shirt.

)48. a. mooncakeb. dumplings

c. zongzi

)49. a. read a magazine b. reading news*****s

c. read a book

)50. he has a

a. sore throatb. toothache

c. headache

)51. a: what is your hobby?

b: i like

a. riding a bikeb. diving

c. driving

)52. a: what did you do yesterday?

b: ia: went fishing b. went swimming

c. went skiing

)53. i likewhat about you?

a. ****** kites b. collecting stamps

c. playing the violin

)54. a: what is you father doing, mike?

b: he’s

a. writing an e-mail b. writing a letter

c. watching tv

)55. –what can you do at home?

i can

小学教育 2024年六年级毕业学业水平检测语文试题

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