
发布 2024-02-12 05:10:11 阅读 9352



listening (听力部分) 40%

i. listen and choose. (听音,选出所听到的词。10%)

ii. listen and number. (听句子,将**标上数字序号。10%)

iii. listen and judge. (听句子,判断所听句子是否相符。5%)

1. it’s thirteen dollars and twenty cents

2. i want some eggs

3. it will be sunny in nanning

4. it’s daming’s birthday today

5. he is playing the flute but his friend comes

iv. listen and choose. (听问句,选答句。10%)

v. listen and match. (听短文,根据天气预报内容将城市与正确的天气连线。5%)

writing (笔试部分) 60%

i. translate. (英汉互译。6%)

ii. choose. (选择划线部分发音不同的单词,填序号。 6%)

iii. read and choose. (选出不同类单词。 10%)

iv. read, choose and write. (读句子,选择正确的疑问词填在横线上。6%)

1are you doing? –i’m watching tv.

2are you going to h**e dinner? –at six o’clock.

3is it? –it’s five dollars.

4did he go? –he went to the park.

5is this girl? –she is my classmate.

6do you like summer? –because i can swim in the sea.

v. choose. (选择题。 15%)

) 1. a: i can’t carry the bag. who can help me? b

a. yes, please. b. sorry, i can’t. c. yes, i do.

) 2. amy is going to __science.

a. studying b. study c. studies

) 3. sam is sing, but the telephone __

a. rings b. ringing c. ring

) 4. look! they are __

a. make model ship b. made model ship c. ****** model ship

) 5. a: will it be hot tomorrow? b

a. yes, i will b. yes, it will c. yes, it be

) 6. a: what’s the weather like in the photo? b

a. the sun is shining b. they are running c. i am happy

) 7. 当你去购物时,售货员首先会说: _

a. can i help you? b. can you help me? c. enjoy your meal!

) 8. 当你想提醒别人小心一些时,应该说:__

a. ok b. hello c. be careful

) 9. 在毕业典礼上, 你会对好朋友说:__

a. best wishes to you! b. are you ok? c. let’s go.

) 10. 下面哪种行为是正确的?

a. we can sing in the library. b.

we can eat in the library. c. we can read book in the library.

vi. read, choose and write. (选词填空, 将短文补充完整。 6%)

ia very funny day on sunday. ito the seven star park with my friends. wea lot of monkeys.

wesome cakes. wesome photos here. wevery happy.

vii. read and judge. (阅读短文,判断正t误f。 6%)

15 apple street

london nw2

ukdear lingling,i am going to go to lijiang middle school this september. this school is near my home. and it’s very big and nice.

i’m going to study physics, science and history. i like history very much. i will make many new friends there.

i am really excited. what about you? which middle school are you going to go?

write to me soon.


考试时间35分钟满分50分 第一部分听力 15分 一 听辨单词。共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分 听句子,选出该句子中所包含的单词,并将其对应的字母编号填写在题前的括号里,每小题读两遍。1.a.shirt b.shortc.sure 2.a.sunny b.sunday c.saturday 3.a....


六年级下册期末英语学习质量检测试卷。姓名班级。listening part 听力部分 30 一 listen and choose.听单词或短语选择正确选项。10分 15c.50 3.a 9 13b.9 30c.19 30 4.a.160cmb.164cmc.156cm 6.hiking 7.a.b...


一 填空。1 某储蓄所第一季度存款五亿八千零四十五万元,写作元,用四舍五入法省略 亿 后面的尾数是 亿。86吨 千克 1.25时 时 分 3元5分 元。的因数有105分解质因数是。4 小明今年a岁,爸爸26岁,爸爸比小明大 岁,15年后,父子共岁。5 我国国旗长和宽的比是3 2,已知国旗长是288厘...