
发布 2024-02-11 11:00:20 阅读 4426




得分。听力部分( 30分 )

一.听录音,选出你所听到的选项。( 8分 )

)1. a. dig b. big2.

) going to the zoo b. h**ing a picnic

)4. a. map b. cap5. a. speak

)6. b. friendly ( b. read

) no,thanks. thanks.

二.听对话,选择你所听到的答句。( 8分 )

)1. a. i’m fine. b. i’m five. c. i’m happy. x k

)2. like football like spring like blue

)3. are bees b. it’s her book c. it’s an apple

)4. a. her name is mike. b. my name is mike

c. his name is mike

)5. is handsome b. she is pretty. c. it is long.

)6. english games b. read english

to english and speak english

)7. b. pretty/black c. tall/strong

)8. don’t. b. yes, i am c. yes, i do

三. 听录音并排序。( 9分 )

)not bad. we h**e a new english teacher.

)he is young and very tall.

)ting ting,how was school?

)what’s he like?.

)is he old or young?.

)can he speak chinese?

)he is handsome and eyes are blue.

)a little.


四.听录音,从abcde中选择正确的答语。( 5 )

f**ourite season is spring.

he is handsome and friendly.

need some fruit juice and coke.

to english every day.

too. ) to learn english well?

) about h**ing a picnic?

) comes our head teacher.

) your f**ourite season?

) nice to see you again!


(一) 选择正确的答案(15分)

)1. i like to tv.

a. seeb. watch c. look

) 2. may i a bike?

a. rideb. riding c. rides

) 3. -what are you doing?

i doing housework.

a. isb. are c. am

) 4. may i a phone call?

a. makeb. goc. open

) 5. this is the dining room, wehere.

a. eatb. sleepc. cook

) 6a mess!

a. whatb. howc. where

) 7. -sweep the floor, please.

a. you’re welcome. b. thank you. c. all right.

) 8. oh, it’s hot(炎热的), let’s go

a. swiming b. swimc. swimming

) 9. -can i help you?

yes, pleasethe classroom.

a. dob. cleanc. play

) 10. le le, please the window.

a. closeb. turnc. play

) 11. my sister likes tomusic.

a. listenb. listen to c. listen to the

) 12. my classroom is the first room.

a. onb. inc. at

) 13. what would you like

a. drinking b. drinkc. to drink

) 14. le le isting ting.

a. underb. besidec. in

) 15is the art room?

a. whereb. whenc. what

二) 根据情景选择正确的表达形式(5分)

)1. 想问朋友的生日是什么时候,你应该说:

a. when is your birthdayb. it’s in march.

) 2. 老师要求你擦黑板,你应该说:

a. clean the blackboard, please. b. no problem.

) 3. 朋友问你教师节是哪一天,你应该说:

a. it’s on september 10thb. it’s on the september 10th.

)4. 乐乐想玩你的电脑游戏,你应该回答:

a. yes, pleaseb. may i play computer games?

) 5. 朋友们来你家做客,你应该对他们说:

a. wow! what a nice roomb. ****** yourself at home.

三) 根据**,选择方框中的词到下面的横线上。(10分)

第一题图) (第二题图第三题图)

1. my backpack(书包) is the chair(椅子).

2. the book isthe desk.

3. the ball(球) isthe box(盒子).


一 选择题。1 两袋大米同样重,第一袋用去 第二袋用去千克,剩下的 a 第一袋重b 第二袋重c 同样重d 不确定。2 下面分数中,能化成有限小数的是 a b c d 3 一个数 零除外 除以 这个数就 a 扩大9倍b 缩小9倍c 增加9倍d 减少9倍。克盐溶于100克水中,盐占盐水的 a b c d...


2013 2014学年上期六年级期末考试。时间 100分钟。一 用心思考,正确填写。共计20分 1.小强和小明在同一个班级,小强的座位用数对记作 5,4 小明正好坐在小强的后面,小明的座位用数对记作。2.小时 分 3125千克 吨。4.50千克增加 以后是70千克。5.最大的三位数比最小的四位数少 ...


听力部分 35分 一 5分。二 10分。三 10分。四 10分。笔试部分 65分 一 15分 a b c二 5分。三 5分。四 10分 1 5 五 10分 1,2,3,4,5,六 20分 a b六年级新路径英语期末模拟试题 一 听力部分 40分 一 看 听录音,按你听到的先后顺序重新标序。读两遍 5...