
发布 2024-01-31 01:05:05 阅读 8184

1. 判断下列每组单词中划线部分发音是否相同,如相同,请 ,如不相同,请打。

1. a、andb、 had

2. a、leftb、 when

3. a、singb、miss

4 . a、gob、long

5. a、le**eb、he**y


) man onthird floor .

a. a ; theb. an; thec. an; an

2. she often getshome at 5:00 .

a. to b. thec. /

3. he __feel well last night .

a. didn’t b. doesn’t c. isn’t

4. please givepen .

a. him; she b . him ; her c. her ; he’s

5. we wentbeijing on feb . 6th

a. be back to b. backc. back to

6you busy yesterday ? yes , i

a、were; were b、were; was c. did ; was

)7. i hope you

a、will get better soon b、will soon get better c. soon will get better

)8. webeijing next month .

a. le**e b. left c. are going to le**e

9. it’s a sunny day . the boysfootball in the park .

a. played b. are playing c. play

10shelunch at school last week ?

; going to h**e b .did ; h**e c. did ; has

三、 根据汉语提示,结合句意,写出适当的英语单词,每空一词。

1. do you like learning汉语 )?

2. we到达)to the factory at 2:00 this afternoon .

3划)a boat is my hobby .

4. miss white usually跳舞 ) in the afternoon .

5. we唱 )many songs at the party .


1. 我昨天买了一些生日礼物 。

sheyesterday .

2. 我哥哥喜欢在冬天去滑雪。

hehis room yesterday afternoon .

3. 他们上个星期天在公园里照相。

theyfor two hours yesterday.

4. 我们在去年冬天堆雪人。

ito the parknight .

5. 寒假你看大象了吗?


did , do , you , what (?

2. go , how , did , to, you, harbin (?

3. i ‘ll , tomorrow , be back home (

4. where , they , go, did , on their holiday (

5. made a snowman , skied , and , we , on our holiday (

六, 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框中选择合适的单词写在横线上,使短文意思完整,通顺,每词只能使用一次。

back went bought ice--skating plane

weto harbin last winter holiday . it’s far from beijing . so we went there byit was very cold .

we wenton the first day . on the second day ,wemany presents for our friends. for the last day of the holiday, we camefrom harbin .

we had a good time !


mike is an english boy . now he studies in a primary school in qingdao . last week , he was very busy .

on sunday he went fishing by the river and caught a big fish . when he came back , he cooked the fish soup for his parents . it was tasty .

on monday , he visited a farm by bike . on tuesday , he did an experiment on ants for the science class . on wednesday , he cleaned the house all day .

on tuesday , he read books in the library . on friday , he played football . on saturday , he went shopping for his mom .

( )1、mike had a busy week .

)2、mike is in england .

)3、mike didn’t catch a fish .

)4、mike read books on thursday .

)5、mike played sports on saturday .


学校班级姓名学号成绩。一 读拼音,写词语。8分 j n y nn cji zhw i xi sh n d i s n zh z r n ch n ch n 二 根据拼音写出恰当的字。7分 1 我永远忘不了这个教 x n 2 这里的通 x n 设施很先进。3 翠鸟捉鱼的动作非常 x n 速。4 著名的...


姓名成绩。一 读拼音,写词语。4分 j n y n n c ji zh w i xi sh n d i s n zh z r n ch n ch n 二 根据拼音写出恰当的字。3分 1 我永远忘不了这个教 x n 2 这里的通 x n 设施很先进。3 翠鸟捉鱼的动作非常 x n 速。4 著名的华山雄...


第四单元测试题b卷。一 看拼音写字,注意书写工整 正确。4分 q n piji och 围嘴打窗。ji ngyxir u 冻抽子皱。二 给下列带点字选择正确的读音。3分 抽噎 y y 蓄养 ch x 撇嘴 pi pi 作台 zu zu 蘸墨水 z n zh n 逮住 d i d i 三 比一比,再组...