
发布 2024-01-19 16:05:48 阅读 6832

★过去时态:描述已经发生、已经做过的事情 ( 昨天、上一周、上个周末、上个暑假 ),时间标志: yesterday, last+时间。

将来时态:描述将要发生、打算做的事情 ( 明天、下一周、下个周末、这个暑假 ),时间标志:tomorrow, next+时间。


5. last weekend(上一周末)过去时态。

on saturday, i did my homework in the morning. i helped my mother. then i watched tv .

on sunday, i went to a park with my friends. we played football in the park. we had fun.

6. this weekend(这个周末)

my weekend plan(周末计划)将来时态。

on saturday, i will do my homework in the morning. i will help my mother. then i will watch tv .

on sunday, i will go to a park with my friends. we will play football in the park. that will be fun.

7. last summer holiday(上个暑假)过去时态。

last summer holiday, i went to hainan with my family. i went on a trip to the sea. i played on the beach.

i swam in the sea. i watched the ships on the sea. that was fun.

8. this summer holiday (这个暑假)

my summer holiday plan(暑假计划)将来时态。

summer holiday is coming! i will go to hainan with my family. i will go on a trip to the sea.

i will play on the beach. i will swim in the sea. i will watch the ships on the sea.

that will be fun!

9. my birthday party(我的生日派对)过去时态。

my birthday was on may 10th. i had a birthday party. i invited my good friends.

i got some nice gifts. we ate a big cake. we sang birthday songs.

we played some games. that was fun.

10. my birthday party(我的生日派对)将来时态。

my birthday is coming. i will h**e a birthday party. i will invite my good friends.

i will get some nice gifts. we will eat a big cake. we will sing birthday songs.

we will play some games. that will be fun.


11. 介绍自己(假如我叫李华)

i’m li hua. i’m 12 years old. my birthday is on may 10th.

i’m a clever girl. i h**e big eyes and black hair. i’m tall.

i like apples. i like to play football. i like summer.

i like to swim. do you like me?


li ming is my friend. he is 12 years old. he is clever boy.

he has big eyes and black hair. he is tall. he likes apples.

he likes to play football. he likes summer. he likes to swim in the sea.


there are three people in my family. my father is 40 years old. he is a worker.

he goes to work by bus. my mother is 38 years old. she is a teacher.

she is tall and thin. i am 12 years old. i am a student.

i often go to school on foot. i love my family.


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