
发布 2024-01-26 05:50:02 阅读 6409


英语作文。unit 1 good morning!

在早晨上学的路上, helen和eric相遇,请编写一段两个人的对话,内容包括自我介绍和相互问好。

eric: good morning! i'm eric.

helen: good morning, eric! i'm helen.

eric: how are you, helen ?

helen: i'm fine, thanks! and you?

eric: i'm ok, too. let's go to school together.

helen: ok. let's go!

unit 2 what’s this in english?


tom: good morning, jim!

jim: good morning, tom!

tom: how are you?

jim: i'm fine, thanks. and you?

tom: i'm ok. what's this in english?

jim: it's a pen.

tom: spell it, please

jim: p-e-n. what is that in english?

tom: it's a map

jim: please spell it.

tom: m-a-p.

unit 3 what color is it ?


提示词:map, blue and white, jacket, black ,desk, white

hi, lucy! this is my room. the map is blue and white.

this is my jacket, it is black. i like black that is my desk, it is white. the ruler is blue.

the pen is yellow. the eraser is yellow.

unit 4 my name’s gina.

first name: mary

last name: hand

age: 13


telephone number: 808-2698


hi, i am a girl. my name is mary hand. mary is my first name.

green is my last name. i am 13 years old. my telephone number is 8082698.

unit 5 this is my sister.

根据以下信息,以 my family为题,写一篇50词左右的短文。

1.我是一名英国女孩,我叫 jenny hand,我14岁( years old),我是一名中学生( a middle school student)。

2.我家有( there are)五口人( people),我的爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和我。


4.我有(h**e)一个大(big)家庭。我们是快乐的( happy)一家人,我爱我的家人。

my family

i am an english girl. my name is jenny hand. i am 14 years old.

i am a middle school student. there are five people in my family. they are my grandparents, my parents, and me.

my parents are teachers. i h**e a big family. we are a happy family.

i love my family.

期中考试。假如你是美国女孩 alice brown,你在中国学习的时候,认识了一个新朋友 grace green。


hello! i'm alice brown. my first name is alice and my last name is brown.

i am 12 years old. my phone number is 789-7856 and my qq number is 974917025. my good friend is grace green.

she is in china now. she is 12, too. her first name is grace and her last name is green.

her phone number is 763- 4507 and her qq number is 887643571.

unit6 is this your sister?



2. ben green在图书馆里捡到了一串钥匙,他的**:645-2357。

lost:my computer game. please call emily smith at 372-5683.


a set of keys in the school library. is this yours? please call ben green at 645-2357.

unit7 where’s my schoolbag?


提示词:书包,地图,墙(wal1),一个棒球,电子游戏机,一些激光唱片,床,一把蓝色的椅子在……附近(near),紧挨着( next to)。

dear lin xiaofeng,

hello, how are you? this is a picture of my bedroom. my bed is next to the wall.

a map is on the wall. the desk is near the bed. you can see my schoolbag on the desk.

my computer game is on the desk, too. a baseball is in the desk. a blue chair is under the desk.

some cds are on my bookcase. my room is not big, but it's very tidy. how about yours?

yourszhang pei

unit8 do you h**e a soccer ball?

我的朋友 tommy热爱体育运动。他有许多体育用品:7个篮球、6个排球、3个棒球和4个足球。他还有8个网球拍、2个乒乓球拍。他每天都进行体育运动,他也在电视上看足球赛。


提示词: a great sports collection许多体育用品 rackets球拍bats球拍。

i h**e a friend, his name is tommy. he likes sports and he has a great sports collection. he has seven basketball, six volleyball, three baseballs and four soccer balls.

he has eight tennis rackets and ping- pong bats, too. he plays sports every day. and he watches soccer games on tv.

unit9 do you like bananas?



annie is my friend. she's 13. she likes playing computer games and tennis, but she doesn't like watching tv.

she likes bread, bananas, chicken and icecream, but she doesn't like carrots, strawberries or apples. she's my good friend. i like her very much.

unit10 how much are these socks?

请根据以下提示词给 mr smith' s clothes store写一篇广告。毛衣,每件50元;书包,每个14元;t恤衫,每件21元;袜子,每双2元。


come and buy your clothes at mr smith's clothes store. we sell all our clothes at very good prices. do you like sweaters?

we h**e sweaters in all colors at 50 yuan each! do you need backpacks for sports or school? we h**e great schoolbags for only 14 yuan!

for girls, we h**e t-shirts in red, green and black for only 21 yuan! the socks are only 2 yuan! come to our store now!


my weekend hi i m amy.你好,我是艾米 i m going to h e a happy weekend.我将有一个快乐的周末 on saturday,i m going to the bookstore by bike.周六早上,我将骑车去书店 i m going to buy...


第一单元话题 交通方式。1.图中有几人?there are 2 people in the picture.2.图中是谁?he is john.she is amy.they are my parents.3.是男孩还是女孩he is a boy man she is a girl woman 4....


第一单元话题 交通方式。1.图中有几人?there are 2 people in the picture.2.图中是谁?he is john.she is amy.they are my parents.3.是男孩还是女孩he is a boy man she is a girl woman 4....