
发布 2023-12-06 20:19:22 阅读 4313

1、判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写√,不同的写× 。

) 1. bag girl2. here there

) 3. five elephant4. orange grape

) 5. nice cool6. hothello



3.一些香蕉4. our fruit salad

5.三匹马6. 八个黄色的芒果。

7.做一个蛋糕8. 一只胖老虎。

9.两只猫10. a fat and cute lion

11. h**e a hot dog12. a cake with a cherry


)1you like a cake? -no, thank you.

a. dob. would c. are

)2. -do you h**e __apples? -yes, i do.

a. some b. anyc. an

)3. how many __do you h**e?

a. catb. a catc. cats

)4. h**e a hot cake __mangoes.

a. h**e b. inc. with

)5this is my picture.

a. look b. look at c. see

)6a sweet cake!

a. how b. wherec. what

)7. -what’s that __the tree? it’s a __

a. in, balloon b. under, bikesc. on, bird

)8. -look at the apples

a. it’s big. b. that’s red.

c. they’re big and red.

)9. i h**e pens but i don’t h**e __books .

a. some; any b. some ; some c. any ; some

)10. let’sa salad.

a. ******b. makec. makes

)11. 你告诉妈妈你喜欢那个桔子,你会说:

a. do you like oranges? b. i like oranges.

c. i like that orange.

)12. 别人问你想不想吃蛋糕,你婉言谢绝:

a. yes, pleaseb. no, pleasec. no, thanks.


1. 看我们的水果色拉atfruit salad .

2. 我有两个好看的午餐盒。 inice lunch

3. -你有一些葡萄吗?--是的,我有 。

you h**egrapes? -yes , i

4. -你喜欢老虎吗? -不,我喜欢熊猫。

---do you likeno, i like .

5. 我没有一些尺子。ih**e


1. do you h**esome) bananas?

2. -look at thepanda). they’re cute.

3. i h**e eleven cutebox)

4. -what’s that? -it’sa) elephant.

5this) dolls are for yang ling.

6. this ishe) school bag.

7. i likemango)

8. i h**esome) toy cars.

9. do you like thisrubber)

are toyanimals)


1. h**e, you, do, any, bananas

2. like,do,pigs,you

3. like , would, you, a, pineapple, helen

4. make, fruit, a, let's, salad

5. do, how, you, many, pencils, h**e ,yang ling(,?


) i like oranges.

) here you are.

1 ) hi, mike. what fruit do you like?

) two, please.

) ok. how many oranges would you like?

) thanks. wow! what big oranges!


miss li: good morning, boys and girls.

b&g: good morning, miss li.

miss li: look at these toy animals. do you like tigers, su hai?

su hai: yes, i do. i like pandas too. they’re cute.

miss li: what about you, mike ? do you like tigers?

mike: no, i don’t. i like monkeys. do you like monkeys, miss li?

miss li: no, i don’t. i like cats and horses.

) in the

a. morningb. afternoonc. evening

) hai likes

a. tigersb. tigers and pandas c. pandas

) likes

a. horsesb. tigersc. monkeys

) li likes

a. cats and horses b. catsc. horses

)5. the pandas are

a. cuteb. bigc. fat


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