
发布 2023-12-03 08:54:12 阅读 3745


采用 useadopt

使用 usemake use of; take advantage of; make the best of

参观 visitpay a visit to; go to…for a visit

相信 believe that… hold the belief that… ;be greatly convinced that…

发生 happen (vi.) hit (some place) (vt.);take place

应该 should be supposed to

想到 sb. think of sth. sth. occur to/struck sb.; come up with sth.

使想起 make sb think of remind sb of

告知 tell sb sth inform sb of

建议 suggest that… put forward the suggestion that…

促成; 导致 cause(sb to do) contribute to; lead to; result in

照顾 look after /take care of attend to

提高 improve promote; strengthen

把时间用于spend (all his spare time) in/on devote (all his spare time) to…

向某人道歉 apologize to sb. make an apology to sb.

决定/决心做某事 decide to do sth. be determined to do sth.

面对; 面临 face be faced/confronted with

位于 be in; lie in (/on/near) be located in; be situated in (/on/near)

知道;意识到 know be aware of/that; come to realize

同意某人观点 agree with sb. share the same idea with sb.

对…满意 be satisfied with express one’s satisfaction with

对…有兴趣 be interested in be crazy about; be enthusiastic about

对…生气 be angry with be annoyed with

忙于…… be busy with be occupied with; bury oneself in

重视 pay attention to attach great importance to

试图做某事 try to do sth. attempt /seek to do sth.

尽力做某事 try one’s best to do sth. spare no effort to do sth.

由…组成 be made up of consist of

善于;精通 be good at h**e a good command of

一…就 as soon as on+ving

走(一段路程) walk /tr**el (30 miles) cover (30 miles)

普通的 ordinary **erage

有益的 good beneficial/ of great benefit

严重的 serious severe

重要的 (be) important (be) of great importance /significance

重要的 importan t essential; significant; vital

富裕的 rich wealthy

丰富的 be rich in be abundant in

许多的 many numerous; a large number of

令人赞叹的 surprising amazing; extraordinary,impressive

有吸引力的 interesting appealing

难的 difficult challenging

最后 finally eventually

慢慢地 slowly gradually

快的 quick rapid

和 and as well as

因此 so therefore in which case+句子。

大多数的 most the majority of

累的;精疲力竭的 (be) tired (be) worn out; (be) exhausted

各种各样的(书) all kinds of (books) a wide variety of (books)

有时 sometimes occasionally

非常 very extremely more than

最后;终于 finally eventually

立即;马上 immediately without hesitation; without delay

在……期间 during in the course of

因为 because for the reason that

越来越多的人more and more people an increasing/growing number of people

越来越(重要)more and more( important) increasingly( important)

不能cannot sth prevent sb from doing

能canbe capable of sth/doing

机会 chance opportunity

选择 choice alternative

人 people individuals

结果 result consequence

拥有 h**e possess

忍受 bear put up with

理解 understand make sense of

考虑 consider take sth into account/consideration

足够的 enough adequate

当前 nowadays currently

支持 support be in f**or of / approve of/think highly of

提及谈到talk about/of, mention refer to




400 600 30 中级 以 想拥有的职业 为题写一篇作文。但,以下内容必须全部包括在作文内 理想职业是什么?为什么想做这份职业?为了这份职业需要做什么准备?范文 小时候我个子小,爱害羞,几乎没什么朋友。所以不太适应学校生活,以至于慢慢开始不想去上学,成绩也下降了。某一天老师悄悄地叫了我过去,跟我...


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cad computer aided design n.计算机辅助设计。call n.打 call on v.呼吁,约请,拜访。campaign n.战役,运动。candidate n.求职者,候选人。canteen n.食堂。canvass v.征求意见,劝说。capacity n.生产额,最大 ...