英语作文句型 高级词汇替换归纳

发布 2023-12-03 08:59:12 阅读 8492


number of factors are accountable for this situation.

a number of factors might(largely)contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem)./被动the change in ..largely results from the fact that...

2. the answer to this problem involves many factors.

3. the phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...

6. we may blame ..but the real causes are...

7. part of the explanations for it is that ..

one of the most common factors (causes ) is that ..

another contributing factor (cause ) is ..

perhaps the primary/fundamental factor/cause is that …二、比较。

may be preferable to b, but a suffers from the disadvantages that...

is reasonable to maintain that ..but it would be foolish to claim that...

all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. compensate补偿。

anything else, it has its faults.

and b has several points in common(共有)

bears some resemblances to b.(相似)

the same is not applicable to b./ be applied to(相似)

10. a and b differ in several ways.

11. evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.

12. people used to think ..but things are different now.

13. the same is true of b.

14. wondering as a is ,it has its drawbacks.

15. it is true that a ..but the chief faults (obvious defects )are ..

三、批驳。1)it is true that ..but one vital point is being left out.

2) there is a grain of truth(有一种真理) in these statements(声明、观点、文章主题), but they ignore a more important fact.

4) many of us h**e been under the illusion(错觉) that...

5) a close examination would reveal(揭示) how ridiculous the statement is.

6) it makes no sense to argue for ..

7) too much stress placed on ..may lead to ..

8) such a statement mainly rests on(依赖于)the assumption(假定、假设)that ..

9) contrary to what is widely accepted, i maintain that ..

四、结尾。1) in conclusion, it is imperative(必要的)that .

2) to solve the above-mentioned problem, we must

3) in summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.(突然发生)

开头。1. recently, the rise in the problem of __has aroused public/wide concern.

近来, _问题的增加已经引起了公众/广泛的关注。

2. recently, the issue of __has been brought into focus/brought to public attention. 近来, _问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。

4. with the rapid growth ofh**e/has become increasingly important in our daily life.

随着 __的快速增长, _在我们的日常生活中已经变得越来越重要。

5. now there is a growing awareness/recognition of the necessity to __

如今,人们越来越意识到 __的必要性。

6. now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/be aware that __如今,越来越多的人开始意识到 __

7. after a good many years of enthusiasm forpeople begin to __

热衷于 __多年之后,人们开始 __

8. one of the burning/pressing questions/problems facing/confronting our nation/society today is我们的国家/社会今天面临的紧迫问题之一是 __

9. with __playing an increasingly important role inmore and more随着在 __中的作用日益重要,越来越多的 __

10. whenever you see/findyou can't help being shocked/surprised at每当看到/发现 __的时候,你会不禁为 __感到震惊/惊讶。

图表。as the bar chart shows, the number of __has dramatically increased/decreased during the __years from __to如柱状图所示, _的数量从 __年到 __年 __年之间急剧增加/减少。

12. from the graph, we know the statistics of __andit can be seen easily that __

从图表中我们可知 __和 __的数据。我们可以很容易地看出 __

13. from the bar chart, it is clear that between __and __the amount of ranged from __to从柱状图中可以清楚地看到,从 __到的数量在 __到 __之间变化。

14. as the bar chart shows, great changes concerning __took place between __and __

柱状图表明,从 __到发生了很大的变化。

15. as can be seen in the graphsaw great changes in __between __and __

从图表可知,在 __到 __之间, _发生了巨大变化。

16. the cartoon vividly depicts这幅漫画生动地描述了 __

17. as is described in the picture如图中所描述的。

18. as is vividly indicated in the above drawing/picture


19. the drawing, thought-provoking as it is, does mirror a social phenomenon that这幅发人深省的图画的确反映了这样一个社会现象: _

20. in the cartoon presented to usobviously, what the cartoon illustrates/reveals is __


1.important crucial extremely important significant amount or effect large enough to be important 重要的。ubiquitous if something is ubiquitous,it seems t...


小编今天讲解作文中高级词汇替换,在作文中,除了以前讲的语法和句法上的展示技巧外,高级词汇替换常用词汇也是一个重要的得分手段,往往几个高级词汇的亮相就能奠定你的作文在阅卷老师心目中高分的地位。请看可替换的短语60个如下 不要贪多,多了嚼不烂 1.对 大有裨益h e a good influence o...


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