
发布 2023-12-03 01:54:08 阅读 8783

1. hello! (how do you do?/how are you doing?)你好!

2. excuse me. 对不起。

3. thank you. 谢谢。

4. you are welcome. 不客气。

5. good morning.早上好。

6. good afternoon.下午好。

7. good evening.晚上好。

8. enjoy yourself! 玩好!

9. so long for now.(bye-bye/see you.) 再见。

10. welcome to wuhan! 欢迎来到武汉。

11. wish you a pleasant stay here! 希望你在这里待得愉快。

12. you look nice.(you look great.)你今天看起来精神不错。

13. how are you today? 你今天好吗?

14. nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

15. hope to see you again! 希望再次见到你。

16. please keep in touch! 保持联络。

17. say hello to mr. xie for me. 代我向谢先生问好。

18. this is my friend li ming. 这是我朋友李铭。

19. my name is wang li. 我是王莉。

20. may i h**e your name please? 能告诉我你的名字吗?

21. pardon? (pardon me./i beg your pardon.)能再说一遍吗?

22. how long will you stay? 你要待多久?

23. local people are very friendly. 本地人都很友善。

24. is it your first time here in wuhan? 这是你第一次到武汉吗?

25. what can i do for you? 有什么我可以帮你的吗?

26. bank of china is the nearest bank. 最近的银行是中国银行。

27. you may take a no. 10 bus. 你可以搭一辆10路公共汽车。

28. what would you like to drink? 你想喝点什么?

29. how much is the book(cup/pen)?这本书(这个杯子、这支笔) 多少钱?

30. what inpresses you most in wuhan?武汉之行您印象最深刻的是什么?。

31. may i speak to sally please? 萨莉在吗?(**用语)

32. who is that calling? 请问你是哪一位?(**用语)

33. this is li ming. 我是李铭。(**用语)

34. she is out. 她出去了。(**用语)

35. can i take a message? 我能带个口讯吗?(**用语)

36. do you like wuhan? 你喜欢武汉吗?

37. wuhan is composed of three towns, namely, hankou, hanyang, and wuchang.


38. hankou is the commercial center. 汉口是商业中心。

39. hanyang is the tourist center. 汉阳是旅游中心。

40. wuchang is the center for technology and education. 武昌是科教中心。

41. you will h**e a good time in wuhan. 你在武汉一定可以玩得很好。

42. the union hospital is not far from here. ****离这儿不远。

43. people in wuhan are proud of the yellow crane tower. 武汉人以黄鹤楼为荣。

44. you can climb the moshan hill, boat on the east lake, and h**e the special

wuchang fish. 你可以爬磨山,在东湖里划船,还可以吃到独具特色的武昌鱼。

45. i can recommend some special food here. 我可以推荐几个这儿的特色菜。

46. you can try hot-and-dry noodles. 你可以尝尝热干面。

47. i recommend cai-lin-ji restaurant. it's famous for hot-and-dry noodles.


48. may i take your order, sir? 你现在点菜吗?

49. here is the menu. 你看一下菜单。

50. we h**e“wangji chicken soup” and “steamed wuchang fish”

. 我们有汪集鸡汤和清蒸武昌鱼。

51. anything else? 你还有什么需要的吗?

52. there are many kinds of fast food in wuhan, such as chinese doughnuts, steamed meat buns, hot-and-dry noodles, steamed dumplings, wonton, soybean juice, spring rolls, and fried dough sticks.武汉有很多种快餐食品,比如说面窝、小笼蒸包、热干面、蒸饺、水饺、 豆浆、 春卷、油条。

53. help yourself. 请不要客气。

54. are you free tonight? 你今晚有空吗?

55. i am inviting you to dinner. 我想请你去吃饭。

56. what time shall i come? 我几点来?

57. is six o'clock ok with you? 6点可以吗?

58. this is zhongshan park. it is named after dr. sun yat-sen.这是中山公园,它是以孙中山生的名字命名的。

59. this way, please. 这边走。

60. h**e a nice day! 祝你今天过得愉快。

61. the same to you! 也祝你如此(回应对方祝福)。

62. you know pretty much about wuhan. 你对武汉很了解呀。

63. you want the yellow crane tower in the picture?


64. are you mr. lane from the united states?


65. i'd like you to meet my wife. 我向你介绍我太太。

66. i will give you a ride to the hotel. 我开车送你到酒店。

67. here's my business card. 这是我的名片。

68. wuhan is noted for its “thorough fares of nine provinces”.武汉号称“九省通衢”。

69. i feel honored to be your guest. 作为你的客人我很荣幸。

70. please be seated.(h**e your seat.) 请就座。

71. may i fill your glass again? 让我给你把杯子酙满。

72. this is another wuhan specialty. 这是武汉的又一特色菜。

73. wuhan is a promising city. 武汉是充满希望的城市。

74. there are a lot of scenic spots in wuhan. 武汉的风景点很多。

75. wuhan has a history of 3,500 years. 武汉有着3,500年的历史。

76. east lake scenic area is a famous national scenic spot.


77. the east lake is the largest natural lake in chinese cities.


78. the poetry-reciting p**ilion(xingyinge) is in memory of qu yuan, an ancient

chinese poet.


79. the view of the city from the yellow crane tower is great.


80. the 1911 revolution broke out in wuchang.


81. wuhan is often called “the native land of white clouds and yellow crane”.


301.did you enter the contest?你参加比赛了吗?302.do you accept credit cards?你们收信用卡吗?303.don t cry over spilt milk 不要做无益的后悔。304.don t let chances pass by 不要让机...


1。hello,may i could i can i speak to the manager,please?sorry,he is out.oh,just a minute,he is coming.您好,请经理接 对不起,他出去了。喔,请稍等,他回来了。2。hi,nice to meet yo...


2.welcome to our school 欢迎来到我们学校!3.hello.你好。4.good morning afternoon evening 早晨好 下午好 晚上好!to meet you.见到你很高兴。to meet you,too.见到你也很高兴。are you?你好吗?thank ...