
发布 2023-12-03 01:39:08 阅读 5952


句型:is a large head always indicative of great mental powers?解釋:大頭是否總是表示智慧高?

句型:they were jealous of one another.解釋:他們互相嫉妒。

句型:his style is reminiscent of picasso's解釋:他的藝術風格使人想起畢卡索的。

句型:are your opinions representative of those of the other members of the club?解釋:


句型:i'm acquainted with her.解釋:我認識她。

句型:are you content with your present job?解釋:你對現在的工作滿意嗎?

句型:we ought to be frank with others.解釋:我們應該對人坦率。

句型:their interests are not compatible with ours.解釋:他們的利益和我們的利益不能相容。

句型:this enterprise is fraught with danger.解釋:這企業充滿危險。

句型:he's popular with the electorate.解釋:他受到選民的歡迎。

句型:he's very satisfied with your work.解釋:他對你的工作很滿意。

句型:he is good at math.解釋:他擅長數學。

句型:we were surprised at teh news.


句型:she's experienced in looking after children.解釋:她對照料孩子很有經驗。

句型:he's interested in rock music.解釋:他對搖滾樂感興趣。

句型:she's terribly absorbed in her work on bacteriology.解釋:她極為專心地鑽研細菌學。

句型:we are anxious about the result of his examination.解釋:他們為他的考試結果而擔心。

句型:he is happy about his promotion.解釋:他為他的晉升而高興。

句型:the whole world is anxious for peace.解釋:全世界都渴望著和平。

句型:new zealand is famous for its scenery.解釋:紐西蘭以它的風景而聞名。

句型:you're safe from danger here.解釋:你在這裏很安全,不會有危險。

句型:my plan is different from yours.解釋:我的計畫和你的不同。

句型:she's able to swim.解釋:她會游泳。

句型:he's bound to come and see you.解釋:他一定會來看你。

句型:his book is due to be published next month.解釋:他的書預定下月出版。

句型:the math problem is easy to solve.解釋:這數學題容易解。

句型:he was destined to die in poverty.解釋:他註定在貧困中死去。

句型:this water is not fit to drink.解釋:這水不宜飲用。

句型:he's inclined to be lazy.解釋:他愛偷懶。

句型:we're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired.解釋:累的時候容易出差錯。

句型:you're lucky to h**e such a good wife.解釋:你真幸運有這麼好的妻子。

句型:i was unfortunate enough to lose my car.解釋:我把汽車弄丟了真倒楣。

句型:i'm prepared to help her. i'm eager to see her again.解釋:我樂於幫助你。我渴望見到她。

句型:he seems unwilling to le**e here.解釋:他似乎不願意離開。

句型:the sons were amazed to learn that their father had survived.解釋:兒子們聽到他們父親活下來,感到驚訝。

句型:he was afraid to see her again.解釋:他害怕再見到她。

句型:i'm grieved to hear such bad news.解釋:聽到如此的壞消息我很傷心。

句型:we were relieved to hear that all of you were safe.解釋:聽說你們全部都平安,我們如釋重負。

句型:i'm conscious that very few jobs are **ailable.解釋:我知道工作職位非常少。

句型:i'm certain that she will succeed.解釋:我確信她會成功。

句型:i'm astonished that he suddenly died.解釋:他突然去世我感到震驚。

句型:we're desirous that these initiatives will lead to furhter exchanges.解釋:


句型:i'm glad that you can come and see me.解釋:我很高興你來看我。

句型:i h**en't seen much of him these days.解釋:最近這些日子我很少見到他。

句型:who are those girls standing over there?解釋:站在那邊的女孩們是誰?

句型:there are few such men.解釋:這樣的人很少。

句型:no one man can move it.解釋:一個人誰也搬不動它。

句型:it's not restricted to any one rank or class.解釋:它不限於任何一級或一類。

句型:that's the one thing i don't need.解釋:這正是我所不需要的東西。

句型:one day you'll regret le**ing her.解釋:有朝一日你會後悔離開她的。

句型:at one time she didn't like him.


句型:one john came to see you.解釋:有個叫約翰的曾來看你。

句型:i saw him holding pistols in both hands.解釋:我看見他雙手都拿著槍。

句型:both his parents are teachers.解釋:她的雙親都是老師。

句型:you may park on either side of the street.解釋:這條街二邊都可以停車。

句型:you may sit on either side.解釋:隨便坐哪一邊。

句型:we accepted neither offer.解釋:兩個建議我們都沒有接受。

句型:either book is very good.解釋:哪一本書都很好。

句型:do you want to come on friday or saturday? either day is fine.解釋:你想週五或週六來,這兩天都可以。

句型:do you want an appointment at nine or ten? either time is difficult.


句型:neither house is cheap.解釋:哪一楝房子都不便宜。

句型:neither answer is correct.解釋:兩個答案都不對。

句型:neither house has been sold.解釋:哪一楝房子都沒有賣出去。

句型:he sat in the car with a policeman on either side of him.解釋:他坐在汽車裏,兩邊各有一個員警。

句型:there's a staircase at either end of the corridor.解釋:走廊兩端都有樓梯。

句型:there is an armchair at either end of the long table.解釋:在那長桌的兩端各有一把扶手椅。

句型:i don't understand either scientist's research.解釋:兩個科學家的研究我都不了解。

句型:all men are created equal.解釋:人生來是平等的。

句型:all the mail must be answered.解釋:這些信件全都得回覆。

句型:all britain lies between the 49th and the 62nd parallels of latitude.解釋:


句型:he runs all-night shop.解釋:他經營一家通宵商店。

句型:all such children should be taken good care of.解釋:所有這樣的孩子都應該受到良好照顧。

句型:all three thieves must be punished.解釋:三個小偷都應受到懲罰。

句型:all the hall is quiet.解釋:整個大廳都很安靜。

句型:all those students come from japan.解釋:那些學生都是日本人。

句型:all her life was spent in the country.解釋:她一生全是在農村度過的。

句型:tom came in with a watermelon in each hand.解釋:湯姆進來了,雙手各拿一個西瓜。

句型:each side of the square is ten centimeters long.解釋:這個正方形每個邊長10公分。

句型:every minute counts.解釋:每分鐘都是重要的。

句型:every woman here does her own cooking.解釋:這裏的婦女都自己做飯。

句型:some mail came for you this morning.解釋:今天上午有你的郵件。

句型:you'd better get some exercise.解釋:你最好作些運動。

句型:i wonder whether there are any roses in his garden now.解釋:我不知道在他的花園裏是否還有玫瑰花。

句型:some fool has given him a lot of money.解釋:不知道那個呆子給他很多錢。

句型:some girl at the door is waiting for you.解釋:在門口有個女孩在等你。

句型:i hope to see her again someday.解釋:我希望有朝一日再看見到她。

句型:any fool could tell you that.解釋:連呆子都知道。

句型:any color will do.解釋:什麼色都可以。

句型:is there some ***** there?


句型:is there some mail for me?解釋:有我的郵件嗎?

句型:didn't you send your mother some money?解釋:難道你沒有給你母親寄錢嗎?

句型:why didn't you buy her some food?解釋:你為什麼沒有給她買吃的東西?

句型:will you get me some water?解釋:給我拿些水來好嗎?

句型:why don't you send her some flowers?解釋:你為什麼不寄給她一些花?

句型:the poor man has no parents, no wife, no money and no job.解釋:這可憐人沒有父母,妻子,錢,工作。

句型:no customer has dared to come to the store since the bomb exploded.解釋:


句型:no words can express my grief.解釋:我的悲傷無法用言語來表達。

句型:the old man usually wears no hat.解釋:那老頭通常不帶帽子。

句型:she is no chicken.解釋:她不是膽小鬼。

句型:he is no ordinary man.解釋:他可不是凡人。


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