
发布 2023-05-20 04:03:28 阅读 4552


单项填空。1. it’s dangerous for children the dog.

with play with

2. —mom, could i go shopping with you?

yes, you .but you must finish your homework first.

3. —could i your bike?—sorry, i it to jim yesterday.

4. —could i please your watch?—sorry. it doesn’t work.

use 5. —could you please take out the trash

at all welcome way problem

6. he didn’t finish the room.

7. “don’t make a noise,” he said to me__ a. angrily c. easily

8. his father wants him in work

9. students h**e homework to do every many many c. so much

10. i never go to school late, .

does tom does tom does

11. i will give him the gift as soon as he .


12. you could a bike from your

13. too much noise makes me uncomfortable.

feel14. mary,could you please the dishes?

15. he doesn’t like playing cards, he thinks playing cards is a waste time.


tina and tara are twin sisters. they look 16 , 17 they also h**e some differences.

one day their grandfather came to see them with two gifts. when he came into the house, he saw tina and 18 her a gift. after a while, when he got into the garden, he saw 19 granddaughter “tara”.

in fact that was tina. when he g**e the other gift to her, she said, “you g**e me one just now.” no, i g**e a gift to your sister tina.

” oh, grandfather, i’m tina.” just then tara came into the garden, 20.“now, grandfather, can you tell the differences 21 us?

” no, i can’t. can you 22 me?” yes, look.

tara is a little 23 than me. her hair is longer and curlier than 24 .now, grandfather, can you see?

” yes, now i can tell you from tara. tara, here is the gift for you.” thank you 25 your gift, grandfather.

” with these words, they all laughed happily.

same other

to .阅读理解。

once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. he told them to fill it with water from a well. after they _26_ their work, he left them, saying, “when the sun is down, i will come and see your work.

”at last one of them said, “what’s the use of doing this foolish work? we can _27_ fill the basket.” 28_ man answered, “that is none of your business.

” the first man said. “you may do as you like, but i am not going to work at _29_ so foolish.” he _30_ his bucket and went away.

the other man said no word, and kept on carrying _31_. at last the well was almost _32_.

as he poured the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it. he picked it up. it was a beautiful gold ring.

just then the king came. _33_ he saw the ring, he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted. he told him to keep the ring for himself.

“you _34_ so well in this little thing,” he said, “35_ now i know i can believe you with many things.”

1a. finishedb. didc. began2a. everb. neverc. easily

3 a. the otherb. another c. one4a. anythingb. something c. nothing

5a. picked upb. threw away c. took away6a. waterb. basketc. well

7a. fullb. emptyc. filled8a. whileb. as soon

9a. h**e doneb. will doc. do10a. thatb. whyc. when


1there is some rubbish (垃圾) on the floor, she is s the floor.

2your room is in a m , you should tidy it up.

3the dog seemed hungry, please (扔)a piece of meat to it.

4 (都不)of his parents agrees with him. 5 he is (折叠)the clothes now.


16. 为了通过考试,他每天都努力学习。

pass the exam, he studies hard every day.

17. 如果你努力学习,你会取得好的成绩。

you canif you study hard.

18. 你不应该完全依赖你的父母。you shouldn’tyour parents completely.

19. 他了解中国的历史越多,就越想住在这里he learns history about chinahe wants to live here.

20. 我不想做家务,他也不想做。i don’t want to do chores


21. the boy is ill. the doctor is s**ing the boy.(合并成一个句子)

the doctor is the boy.

22. i can provide him with some help.(改为。

同义句)i can some help him.

23. the poor child didn’t know where he could go.(改为简单句)the poor child didn’t know

24. he can look after himself well.(改为同。

义句)he canhimself.

25. i borrowed some money from him.(改为。

同义句)he some money me.




提示:1. do some chores

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