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大工15春《大学英语3》**测试1答案 (第1至4页)

大工15春《大学英语3》**测试2答案 (第5至8页)

大工15春《大学英语3》**测试3答案 (第9至11页)


一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)v 1. this atm has been out of service for a few days.

it should __last week.

a. fix

b. be fixed

c. h**e fixed

d. h**e been fixed

满分:4 分。

2. you will probably __your team's chance to win because you seem to h**e such a big __them.

a. affect; impact in

b. effect; impact in

c. affect; impact on

d. effect; affect on

满分:4 分。

3. don't climb to the top of the hill with one breath. _your energy. you'll need it!

a. reserve

b. protect

c. burn

d. conserve

满分:4 分。

4. this is the microscope __which we h**e had so much trouble.

a. atb. from

c. ofd. with

满分:4 分。

5. there are several ways of __the problem. h**e you studied which one will benefit us most?

a. coming

b. approaching

c. attacking

d. dealing

满分:4 分。

6. he's been sought after by many young girls. i am really surprised you h**e an unf**orable __of him.

a. thought

b. impression

c. concept

d. notion

满分:4 分。

7. to do a good job in public speaking, one must be aware of the __issues, both nationally and internationlly.

a. brilliant

b. extensive

c. current

d. modern

满分:4 分。

8. don't __me in solving your problems. it is none of my business.

a. involve

b. evolve

c. invoke

d. invite

满分:4 分。

9. many countries lay more emphasis on __the offshore oil deposits.

a. explaining

b. exploiting

c. expanding

d. expelling

满分:4 分。

10. he is a slow learner. you've got to be __with him.

remember: patience is a virtue.

a. patient

b. steady

c. diligent

d. continuous

满分:4 分。

11. he was regarded as a hero in the country, for his economic policies __the way for the successive industrial expansions and developments.

a. made

b. set

c. p**ed

d. polished

满分:4 分。

12. the manager is always in a bad __on mondays which signal the beginning of another exhausting week.

a. mood

b. heart

c. mode

d. voice

满分:4 分。

13. those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply __

a. appreciated

b. approved

c. appealed

d. applied

满分:4 分。

14. i'm still unable to make myself __in the discussion, which worries me a lot.

a. to be understood

b. understanding

c. understood

d. understand

满分:4 分。

15. so many fancy cars are __here that i cannot decide which one i like best.

a. demonstrated

b. evident

c. displayed

d. made

满分:4 分。

16. take it easy. it is all a __to an end.

a. part

b. means

c. choice

d. process

满分:4 分。

17. the company is run at a loss. certain problems were __from the outset.

a. apparatus

b. apparent

c. applied

d. apprehensive

满分:4 分。

18. this time next week i'll be on vacation. probably i __on a beautiful beach.

a. am lying

b. h**e lain

c. will be lying

d. will h**e lain

满分:4 分。

19. we moved to london __we could visit our friends more often.

a. even if

b. so that

c. in case

d. as if

满分:4 分。

20. some of the olympic champions were invited to __the opening ceremony of the national games.

a. attend

b. participate

c. comprehend

d. pretend

满分:4 分。

二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)v 1. mary is the kind of person who always seems to be on a hurry.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

2. she wanted to know that child it was on the grass.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

3. mr. jones, of him life was once very hard, is now very successful in his business.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

4. which do you think is the more important, wealth or health?

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

5. whoever breaks the law will be punished sooner or later.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

6. our department has a large collection of books, many of them are in english.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

7. she didn't go to the cinema last night, as she had to finish her term *****.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

8. i'll lend you my computer unless you promise to take care of it.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

9. the grain output of this year is much higher than that of last year.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分。

10. that was the first time i had spoken english with a foreigner.

a. 错误。

b. 正确。

满分:2 分


一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)v 1. it is true that your mental abilities are at their best __the ages of 18 and 25.

a. between

b. among

c. from

d. along

满分:4 分。

2. three new buildings __on the campus by the end of this year.


一 判断题 共10道试题,共40分。1.如果某市有50 住户订 有65 住户订晚报,有85 住户至少订这两种报纸中的一种,则同时订这两种报纸的住户的百分比是30 b.正确。2.如果从1,2,10这十个自然数中任取三个数,则这三个数中最大的为3的概率是1 120 b.正确。3.如果事件a b互不相容,...


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单选题多选题判断题 s一 单选题 共 10 道试题,共 40 分。1.在清查中发现帐外固定资产,经批准后作处理。a.营业外收入。b.管理费用。c.营业外支出。d.其他应收款。选择 a 2.按预先计划安排的时间对财产物资进行的清查是 a.不定期清查。b.定期清查。c.全面清查。d.局部清查。选择 b ...