
发布 2023-04-18 17:51:28 阅读 2911


一。 辨音题1*10=10

1. a. mustb. public c. question d. cup

2. a. danger b. her c. litterd. mother

3. a. stay b. away c .todayd. saturday

4. a. great b bread c. readyd. head

5. a. dear b. bear c. hered. nearby

6. a. cook b. room c. foodd. moon

therec. fifthd. three

8. a. openb. goc. does d. sofa

9. a. afterb. happy c. class d. father

10. a. school b. kitchen c. teacher d. china

二。 英汉互译1*10=10

来加入我们read a magazine with him

喜欢唱歌跳舞how to make a model plane

度周末take some medicine

向他学习法语talk about

得了重感冒on duty

三。 按要求写单词1*10=10

aren’t (同音词。

child (复数。

my parents (名词所有格。

they (物主代词。

sit (现在分词。

us (主格。





四。 选择题1*12=12

)1is your bike? —the blue one under the tree.

a. what colour b. wherec. whatd. which

)2. i can___the violin. i like___the violin.

a. play, playing b. play, playc.

playing, playing d. play, to play ( 3. here___a lot of pictures for you.

a. isb. amc.

ared. be ( students arefollow the teacher’s orders.

a. tryingb. trying on c. try tod. trying to

) something wrong __my left leg. i can’t walk.

a. forb. atc. withd. to

)6. i’m from __i’m __a. uk, britishb. french, france

c. japan, japanesed. usa, american

)7. gaoshan often goes __with his friends.

a. climbb. climbs c. climbbingd. climbing

)8. i can see some ducks __in the river. a. swimsb. swimming c. swimingd. to swim

)9. we h**e three lessons __monday afternoon. a. inb. onc. atd. with

( )10. what___nancy h**e? she___a pot and a stove.

a. does, h**eb. do, has c.

does, hasd. do, h**e ( 11. hello.

this is su yang. is that nancy? hello

a. yes, i amb. yes, that is. c. no, this is d**id. d. no, she isn’t.

) 12. what’s on the tablesome juice and some apples. a.

there areb. there is c. it’sd.


五。 用所给词的正确形式填空0.5*18=9

1. i like___draw). i’d like __draw) now.

2. my classroom is on __one) floor.

3. children’s day is __come), our parents would like __buy) things for___we).

4. there __not be) any milk in the bottle.

5. her brother, jimlive) in china. 6.

he __h**e)a round face and blue___eye). 7. my __sister) hobby is tr**elling around the world.

8. look! the boy___catch) crickets under the tree.

9. listen to the teacher___careful) in class. 10.

how___your father___spendhe)weekends? 11. september 10th isteacher) day.

12. tomnot sing) very well.

六。 翻译句子, 每空一词0.5*30=15

1. 你能给他们演示怎样做纸花吗

can you show __how toflowers?

2. —沙发旁边有什么 —有一个书柜。

the sofaa bookcase.

3. 在**课上我们能学会一些歌曲。

we can __some songslessons.

4. 我想参观苏州园林和北京的长城。

i want to __the __in suzhou and thein beijing.

5. 她经常看动画片、在公园里捉昆虫。

she oftenandin the park.

6. 我正在洗脸、刷牙。

i’m __myand __my

7. 我们都喜欢英语。我们有共同的爱好。

weenglish. we h**e the

8. 她做好吃的食品、种漂亮的花。

shefood and

七。 按要求改写句子0.5*28=14

1. there’s only one square in picture. (对划线部分提问)

are there in picture 2?

2. there are some maps of the world on the wall. (改写成否定句)

theremaps of the world on the wall.


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