
发布 2023-04-18 09:03:28 阅读 2454


1. there was a samll house four years ago. 四年前有一所小房子。

2. now there is a big house现在有一所大房子。

3. a:did your grandma learn english? 你(外)祖母学习过英语吗?

b:yes, she did./no, she didn’t. 是的,她学习过。/不,她没学习过。

4. he’s learning english now他现在正在学习英语。

5. a:what did she do yesterday她昨天做了什么?

b:she made a cake她做了蛋糕。

6. five years ago, he walked to school. 五年前,他走着去上学。

7. now he going to school by school bus. 现在,他坐校车去上学。

8. a:what did he do他做了什么?

b:he read a book他读书了。

9. a: what did she do她做了什么?

b:she danced她跳舞了。

10. a: what did she h**e for breakfast? 她早餐吃了什么?

b:she had eggs and sausages她吃了鸡蛋和香肠。

11. a: what did she h**e for dinner她晚餐吃了什么?

b:she had fish and chips她吃了鱼和炸薯条。

12. a: what did you h**e for breakfast yesterday?


b:i had sandwiches我吃了三明治。

13. a:what did you eat last night昨晚你吃了什么?

b:i ate fish我吃了鱼。

did you drink last night昨晚你喝了什么?

b:i drank milk我喝了牛奶。

are the books, please请问书在**?

b:they are on shelf a它们在书架a上。

can you find out about animdals?


b:in the library在图书馆里。

17. it’s big and light它又大又轻。

18. this black bag is nice. it’s big.


19. a:it’s he**y它很重。

b:it’s the green bag它是绿色的包。

20. it’s too big for your这个对你来说太大了。

21. it’s easy for him这对他来说很简单。

22. i went there last year去年我去过那里。

23. it’s in the north of china它在中国的北部。

24. a:where did you go for your holidays? 假期你去了**?

b:i went to yinchuan我去了银川。

25. a:where is yinchuan银川在**?

b:it’s in the north of china它在中国的北部。

26. let’s send an email让我们发一封电子邮件吧。

27. i will be home at seven o’clock我将在7点钟回家。

28. he is at the office now他现在在办公室。

29. he’ll be home at six o’clock他将在6点钟刚回家。

30. what do you suggest你的建议是什么?

31. what about chopsticks筷子怎么样?

32. why don’t you give him a kite? 你为什么不送他一个风筝呢?

33. that’s a good idea那是一个好主意。

34. how about a dragon kite一只龙风筝怎么样?

line a is longer线a更长。

b: i don’t think so./ i think so. 我不这样认为。/我认为是这样。

36. we laughed a lot我们开怀大笑。

37. he ate a hamburger yesterday. 他昨天吃了一个汉堡包。

38. where are you goed to go你将去**?

39. what are you going to take你将带什么?

40. when are you going to go to the airport?


41. who’s going to go to the airport谁将会去机场?

42. i’m in new york now我现在在纽约。


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