
发布 2023-04-16 10:21:28 阅读 7647


unit 1what’s he like ?


who’s your (maths) teacher? 谁是你的数学老师? mr. zhang/ miss white. 张先生/怀特小姐。

what’s he(she) like? 他(她)看起来什么样? he’s (she’s) kind and strict. 他(她)既和蔼又严格。

is he (she)+体貌或性格特点的形容词?询问某人的体貌或性格特点是不是什么样?

is he young? 他年轻吗?yes, he is /no he isn’t is she polite?

她有礼貌吗?yes, she is /no, she isn’t


辅音字母y在词尾,且属非重读音节发/ /如:happy baby funny windy sorry sunny

但在my why fly中,在词尾发/ai/。

mr.—先生 miss—小姐(未婚) mrs.—夫人(已婚) ms.—女士(不指明婚否)

注意:这四个称谓词后面只能跟人物的“姓”,而不是名字。 如:miss zhou



unit 2 my week


what do you h**e on thursdays(复数)?星期四你有什么课?

i h**e maths, art and music.我有数学、美术和**课。

what do you do on thursdays(复数)?星期四你做什么?

i watch tv with my father.我和我的爸爸看电视。

what about you?你呢? i often read books.我经常读书。

do you often play football?你经常踢足球吗?肯定回答:yes, i do. 否定回答:no, i don’t.


字母组合ee, ea在单词中一般发/i:/。如:tea green bee sheep see meet read

但是在great 中发/ei/,在bread中发/e/。

介词in, on, at + 时间,表示在某年或某月(当只有年和月的时候),用in。如:in may,在五月。in 2015,在2024年。

表示在某段时间(如在上午,下午,晚上),也用in。如:in the morning,in the afternoon

表示在某日,在星期几时,用on。如on monday,on sunday,on the weekend

表示在几点几分,在具体时间时,用at。如at 6:30,at 9 o’clock

unit 3 what would you like ?


what would you like? —i’d like…—你想要什么? —我想要……

区分:—what do you like? —i like…—你喜欢什么? —我喜欢……

what would you like to eat?你想吃什么?

i’d like a sandwich (some sandwiches).我想吃个(些)三明治。(或直接回答食物)

what would you like to drink?你想喝什么?i’d like some water.我想喝点水。

what would you like for +三餐?(breakfast早餐, lunch中餐, dinner晚餐)询问对方三餐想吃什么?

i’d like +食物/饮料。(i’d like = i would like)我想吃/喝。

would you like a/an/some+食物/饮料?

如:would you like some milk? would you like a hamburger?询问对方是否想要某个或某些食物或饮料?

yes, please. /no, thanks.回答有肯定和否定两种。

what’s your f**ourite food/drink?你最喜欢的食物/饮料是什么?

1、noodles / orange juice.

2、my f**ourite food are noodles. my f**ourite drink is orange juice.

3、i like noodles/ orange juice best.面条/ 橙汁。(直接说出喜欢的食物或饮料)

也可用以上的句型询问最喜欢的一天,最喜欢的动物等事物。如:what’s your f**ourite day?

what’s your f**ourite animal? i like salad.(肯定句/ 肯定形式)我喜欢沙拉。

i don’t like salad. (否定句/ 否定形式)我不喜欢沙拉。 it’s fresh and healthy.它既新鲜又健康。


ow发/au/“奥”的常见单词:cow flower wow down how now brown

ow发/ou“欧”的常见单词:slow snow yellow window tomorrow know

常考的名词单数变复数:sandwich—sandwiches potato—potatoes tomato—tomatoes

carrot—carrots candy—candies sheep—sheep

unit 4 what can you do ?


we’ll h**e an english party next tuesday.

we’ll go to school next will 后面接动词原形表示将要发生的事情。

what can you(主语)do (for the party)? i can sing. 我会唱歌。

i can draw cartoons. 我会画漫画。你会/能做什么?(询问对方会/能做什么)

can后面没有人称和数的变化,接动词原形。如:he can play basketball.

can you do any kung fu? (can you…? 用来询问对方是否会做某事)

肯定回答:yes, i can. 否定回答:no, i can’t.你会武术吗?

否定句和疑问句里面要用“any”。注意主语人称变化:—can you play the pipa? —yes, i can. /no, i can’t.

can he play the pipa? —yes, he can. /no, he can’t.

can your mother play the pipa? —yes, she can. /no, she can’t.


字母oo i. 在字母d和k前发短音/ /如:book look good cook 但food和noodles除外,发长音/u:/

ii.在辅音字母f, l, m, n, s, t前和重读音节词尾发长音/u:/。如:afternoon moon cool zoo too

但foot和wool除外发短音/ /

play的后面+“the”的用法:i. 在球类、棋类名词前不用the。如:play football play chess

ii. 在乐器前用the。如:play the pipa play the piano

iii. 后接人物等,用介词with。如:play with my father

③疑问代词总结:what什么? who谁? whose 谁的?which哪一个? when 什么时候? why为什么?

how怎么样? how many多少个? how much多少钱? how old多少岁? where在**?

unit 5 there is a big bed


where be +物品?询问物品的位置? 答语单数用it’s,复数用they’re +方位介词+地点名词。

例:—where is the book? —it’s on the desk. —where are the books? —they’re on the desk.

②there be 句型i. there is,表示某处有某个物品。

there is + a/an +可数名词单数+地点状语(由方位介词+the +地点名词)

例:there is a big bed in my room. 我的房间里有张大床。

ii. there are,表示某处有某些物品 there are +可数名词复数+地点状语(由方位介词+the +地点名词)

可数名词复数前常常有表示数量的修饰词,如:some一些,many很多,lots of许多。

例:there are many flowers in the garden. 花园里有很多花。

iii. there be 句型中,如果有两个或者两个以上的名词或名词短语做并列主语时,be动词的选取要遵循“就近一致”


例:there is a desk and two chairs in the classroom. 教室里有一张书桌和两把椅子。

there are two chairs and a desk in the classroom. 教室里有两把椅子和一张书桌。

iv. i h**e an apple. 我有一个苹果。强调苹果归我所有,主语是人。

there is an apple on the desk. 桌上有个苹果。表示存在,强调苹果在桌子上,主语是物。


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