
发布 2023-04-15 00:10:28 阅读 7770

一、 根据首字母提示完成句子(10分)

1、our english teacher is sbut he’s kind.(严格的)

2、she isn’t a___积极的,活跃的)

3、today is t星期四)

4、what would you like for l午餐)

5、i like fish, they’re f___新鲜的。


) 1. a. day b. friday c. monday

) 2. a. miss b. music c. mr

) 3. a. fat b. bag c. big

) 4. a. c. potato

) 5. a. smart b. strict

三、单项选择 (10分)

) 1. amy is 10old.

a. yearb. yearsc. yuan

) 2. tomatoesmy f**ourite food.

a. isb. arec. am

) 3. —what do you h**e dinner?

a. tob. forc.

) 4. there aredays in a week.

a. sixb. elevenc. seven

) 5. i like ice-cream. it’s

a. sourb. sweetc. salty


——mr zhao .

a、.what’s b、who’s c、where’s

)7、whatdoyou __onsaturdays?

a、is b、does c.、do


a、yes, she is. b、no, she is. c、no, she isn’t.

)9、——whatdoyouh**e for lunch onmondays?

a 、we h**e english.

b、we h**e tomatoes and fish. c、we h**e lunch.

)10、what like for lunch today?

a、would like b、do c 、would you


).what would you like for lunch? a. i like apples.

).what do you h**e on thursdays? b. i h**e english and music.

) what’s your f**ourite fruit? c. she is young and pretty.

).what’s your english teacher like? d. saturday.

) what day is it tomorrow? e. i’d like beef.

五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号 (10分)

1. do, on, what, wednesdays, h**e, you (?

2. do, you, what, on, sundays, do (?

3. like , what, you, would lunch, for (

4. is, what, f**ourite, your, food (?

5. often, my, i, do homework (.

六. 写出下列各组中不同类的单词。(5分)





) 1. a. beefb. teac. meetd. break

) 2. a. brownb. yellow c. window d. snow

) 3. a. crowb. cropc. cream d. clean

) 4. a. blackb. blowc. browd. block

) 5. a. coatb. goatc. roadd. mouth


1. tuesday (缩略形式2. h**e (第三人称单数形式)

3. tomato (复数4. noodles (单数。

5. young (反义词。


) 1. the first day in a week is 2018.10陈孟小学。

a. saturdayb. sundayc. monday

) 2. i like ice-cream. it’s .

a. sourb. sweetc. salty

) 3your math teacher? mr zhao.

a. what's b. who's c. where's

)4. —what's he like?

— he's __

a. funny b. fun c. principal

)5. is she quiet?

a. yes, she isn't. b. no, she is. c. no, she isn't.

) 6. what do we h**e on mondays? we h**e __

a. friday b. science c. fruit

) 7. what do you __on saturdays? 2018.10陈孟小学。

a. is b. does c. do

) 8. what __you?

a. are b. about c. do

) 9. what would you like for lunch?

i'd like some __

a. green beans b. green bean c. bean

) 10. do you h**e a new teacher?

a. yes, i am. b. no, i don't. c. no, i do.


1. do, on, what, wednesdays, do you?

2. like, water, some ,i’d


4. often,books,you,do,read?

5. young,is,he,and,funny.

十。一、阅读短文,判断下列语句的正误,正确的写“t”,错误的写”f ” 10分)

sarah: hi, chen jie.

chen jie: hi, sarah. do you h**e new teachers?

satah: yes. we h**e three new teachers. 2018.10陈孟小学。

chen jie: who are they?

satah: an english teacher, a music teacher and a chinese teacher.

chen jie: wow, it’s so good. who’s your english teacher?

sarah: miss white. she’s very active. her class is so much fun. we all like her.

chen jie: what’s she like?


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