
发布 2020-11-03 00:27:28 阅读 3115


班级姓名 一、把下面单词补充完整,并写出其汉语意思。

1. y ng2. f nny3. t ll

4. str ng5. k nd6. ld

7. sh rt8. th n9. str ct

10. sm rt11. a tive12. q iet



) 1. who’s your new chinese teacher? a. no, she isn’t.

) 2. who’s that man? b. he is from america.

) 3. is she tall? c. miss chen.

) 4. what is he like? d. our new art teacher.

) 5. where is he from? e. he’s young and tall.


a. oh, he is my english teacher, too!

b. he’s tall and active.

c. who’s your english teacher?

d. mr may. we all like him.

e. what’s he like?


a)hello! i am john. i am in grade five.

i h**e a new neighbour(邻居). she is miss wang. she is a doctor.

she’s twenty-two. she’s tall and strong. she is strict but active.

she likes singing. i like her very much.

) 1. who is my new neihgbour?

a. miss zhao. b. miss wang. c. mr zhang.

) 2. what does my new neihgbour do?

a. he is a doctor. b. she is a nurse. c. she is a doctor.

) 3. what’s she like?

a. she’s tall and thin. b. she’s short and strong. c. she’s tall and strong.

b)tom is an american boy. he’s thirteen years old. he’s very tall and strong.

he likes reading comic books. he likes playing basketball too. he is good at math and music.

he has a lot of friends at school. tomorrow is tom’s birthday. his mother buys a lot of food for him.

his classmates bring him lots of things. they are going to h**e a birthday party at school.

) 1. tom is from .

a. china b. canada c. america

) 2. what is tom like?

a. he is tall and thin. b. he is tall and strong. c. he is strong and active.

) 3. he has many at school.

a. new teachers b. friends. c. pens

) 4. tomorrow isbirthday.

a. tom’s b. tom’s mother’s c. tom’s father’s

) 5. they are going to h**e aat school.

a. english class b. christmas party c. birthday party

七、小作文。以“my ”为题描述最熟悉的一个人。



班级姓名 一、根据**完成句子。

1小题图 2小题图 3小题图 4小题图 5小题图。

) 1. i oftenon weekends. a. read books b. draw a picture

) 2. we oftenon saturdays. a. play basketball b. play ping-pong

) 3. i oftenon sundays. a. play football b. play computer games

) 4. ieveryday. a. do homework b. watch tv

) 5. mike and john oftenon sunday. a. go fishing b. go swimming



) 1. what day is it today? a. he’s my teacher.

) 2. what do you h**e on mondays? b. i’m ten.

) 3. what do you do on tuesdays? c. i often play football on tuesdays.

) 4. how old are you? d. i h**e chinese and english.

) 5. who’s the young man? e. it’s monday.


dadchen jie: it’s friday.

dadchen jie: i h**e english, chinese and

computer on friday.

dad: what day is it tomorrow?

chen jie

dad: that’s great!

chen jiedad?

dad: i play ping-pong.


a) 阅读并选择正确答案。

hello! my name is linlin. i’m 12 years old.

i studay in hongxing school. i like tuesday. we h**e computer and english on tuesday.

we h**e fish for lunch. i like fish. tuesday is a great day!

on saturdays and sundays, i often do my homework, read books, watch tv and play ping-pong with my classmates. i h**e a good time.


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