
发布 2023-04-07 09:41:28 阅读 6280



一、listen and tick(听老师读单词,在正确的**下面划√)10%

二、listen and number(按照听到的顺序给**标号)10%

三、listen and draw(听录音,画画)5%

四、listen and match (听老师读句子,按听到的句子问答连线)5%

1) good morninghi! i’m joy.

2) hi! i’m billgood morning!

3) what do you see? no, i’m lily.

4) are you joyi see a monkey.

5) i h**e a catme too.

五、look, listen and write (看图听老师读句子,与听到的内容相符合的划√,不符合的划×)20%

六、listen and circle (听老师读单词,把听到的单词圈出来)10%

book school nose foot face leg monkey dogtiger panda


一、 look and match (看一看,连一连)20%





pencil case



二、 read and choose (读句子,选择正确的**并把**序号填在题前括号内)10%

) 1) this is an eraser.

ab ) 2) i like my dog.

ab ) 3) touch your nose.

ab ) 4) wash my face.

ab ) 5) i h**e two ears.

ab 三、 find look and draw ( 找一找,看一看,画一画)10%

1 draw the ears. 2 .draw the eyes. 3. draw the nose.

the mouth. 5. draw the legs.


一、 look read and choose (根据句子描述选择正确的**)10%

) 1) look! a big mouth. it’s a __

ab ) 2) look! a small face. it’s a

ab ) 3) look! a long nose. it’s an

ab ) 4) look! long ears. it’s a

ab ) 5) look! a short tail. it’s lucky.

ab 二、 look and match (开饭了,请为不同的动物准备吃的吧。把动物的序号写在食物旁边的括号里)10%

1 panda 2 monkey 3 rabbit 4 cat

5. dog


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