
发布 2023-03-22 05:26:28 阅读 1647

新起点英语一年级上册知识点汇总ul (lesson 1~lesson 6)重点单词(学习用具):

book, rull, pencil case , eraser, backpa问候语:

hello/hi! -hello/hi!

good morning!-good morning!早上好!-good a!-good a!下午好!

good evening! -good evening!晚上好!-good night! -good night!晚安!重点句型:

1 -stand up,please!(请)起立!-sit down,please!(请)坐下!2 show me your ……3 -hi, i’m……

hi, i’m…… 你好。我是……4 -your book/……thanks!

unit 2 body (lesson 7~lesson12)

重点单词(身体部位、数词、感官动词):ar,mouace, hand, arm, leg, foot;one, two;see,hear,smell重点句型:

1 tway i wash my face.这是我……的方式2 i h**/mouth/face我有……

3 i h**e two eyes/ears/arms/feet/hands/legansee/my mouth can talk/my ears can hear/an smell我的……能……-what’s this?-it’ad. 这是什么?


6 touch your eyes/ mouth/ ears/ arm…… **的……

unit 3 animals (lesson13~lesson18)重点单词:

动物:cat, bird, rabbit, dog, duger, panada,elephabutterfly重点句型:1 -are you joy?

no, i’m lily. i’ma cat.你是……吗?不,2 / 6

我是……2 -what do you see?

i see a panada/a bird/a monkey…….你看见了什么?我看见了……3 look at me!看着我4 -what’s this?

it’s a cat/a tiger/a bird 这是(叫)什么?它是……

5 it has long ears/short legs/big eyes…… 它有……

6 i likemy ……我喜欢我的……unit 4 revision (lesson19~lesson24)重点单词:all, givbig, small


2 look at my big eyes/small face看我的……3 i see a rabbit/ bird……我看见……,我也是。/ hear/call the bird-give me your tail please?-’s too long/short/big-l看,它在这儿。

unit 5 numbers ( lesson25~lesson30)重点单词:

数词:one, twur, five, six, seven, eig重点句型:

1 -how old are you?-i’m


2 one andwo. 1+1=2 five and five is alwa+5=103 let’s make ten! 让我们数到104 -what’s your telumber?

62你的**号码是多少?62-what’s youumber?-521你的房间号是多少?52-here alau.给你们些巧克力。

thank you!谢谢。

ulours (lesson31~lesson36)重点单词:

颜色:red, yellow, purple, brown, orange,white, gblue, bla重点句型:

1 i like blue/red/pink…… 我喜欢……颜色。

2 -what’s this?

it’s a bird-what colour is it?这是什么颜色?

it’s pink/white…… 是粉色/……

4 -how many birds can you see?你能看见多少只鸟儿?


5 -i like an orange duck.我喜欢一只橙色的鸭子。

here you are.给你。

6 -what colour do you like?你喜欢什么颜色?-i like blue.我喜欢蓝色。

7 what colour is ……这是什么颜色?-it’s red/blue/black……?是红/……色unit 7 fruit (lesson37~lesson42)重点单词:

水果:banana, apple, peach, melon, pear,orange, grape(s)(葡萄), strawbapple(菠萝)重点句型:

1 -may i h**e two apples,please?

here you a-thank you.2 -what do you draw here?- one banana-a gu.

thank you-what is it? -it’s a 8 revision (lesson43~lesson48)重点单词:

old, swalong, eleven, want, help, find重点句型:

1 -how many brow(can you see)?

2 -how old are you? -i’m tw-do you likebananas?

一年级英语上册知识点总结 新起点

unit1school 重点单词。重点单词 身体部位 数词 感官动词 eye,ear,mouth,nose,face,hand,arm,leg,foot one,two see,hear,smell 重点句型 thisisthewayiwashmyface.这是我 的方式。2ih eonenose ...

知识学习一年级英语上册知识点 新起点英语

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