
发布 2020-10-11 15:30:28 阅读 8365

新起点英语五年级上册知识要点总结 unit 1

一。 语音。

字母组合 bl ,pl ,cl, gl, fl , sl 在单词中的发音。


1. talk about 谈论。

2. look at 看。

3. take sb to sp 带某人到某地。

4. so many 如此多。

5. make model planes 制做飞机模型。

6. like to do 喜欢做某事。

7. like doing

8. forget to do 忘记将要做的事。

9. forget doing 忘记已做过的事 10. want to do 想要做某事 11. introduce … to 介绍。

12. let`s help… 让我们来帮助 … 13. stay with 和 … 呆在一起 14.

in english class 在英语课上 15. play football 踢足球。

16. every day 每天。

17. thank you to every one in the family


18. in the family 在家里。

19. clean the car 清洁汽车。

20. walk the dog 溜狗。

21. play with 和 … 玩。

22. become good friends 成为好朋友 23. go to school 上学。

24. new friends 新朋友 25. birthday party 生日聚会。

26. big hands 大手。

27. long arms 长胳膊。

28. answer the questions 回答问题。

29. be good at 擅长。

30. be famous for 以 … 而著名 31. play tricks on 和 … 开玩笑。

32. come to 来到。

33. beijing duck 北京烤鸭。

34. at first 起初。

35. a lot 许多。

36. at camp 露营。

37. in a boat 在小船上。

38. catch fish 捕鱼。

39. put … on 把 … 放在 … 上 40. pick up 拾起。

41. go to bed **睡觉。

42. good night 晚安。

43. at school 在学校。

44. how to 如何去。

45. cook the fish 做鱼。

46. play a trick 开玩笑。

47. a toy snake 玩具蛇。

48. it`s time for 是该做 … 的时候了 49. it`s time to do


what s+某人(第三人称单数 +like? …是什么样的人 ?

答语 : he/she is+表示人体貌特征或性格特点的形容词。

what does+某人 (tom, your mother… +look like … 长得什么样? what does your little sister look like.你妹妹长什么样。


are bill`s new friends?

this ?


talk about our classmates.

friendly, too.

is tom like?

takes yaoyao to tom`s birthday party.

are so many model planes.

likes ****** model planes.

all like him.

11. a dog is barking

often forgets to feed coco.

your friend like?

has long arms and big hands.

active and popular.

has a new friend.

stays with tom`s family.

goes to school with tom every day.

often answers questions in english class. plays football with his classmates every day. is good at science.

also likes reading and thinking .

you to every one in the family.

helps tom`s father clean the car.

helps tom walk his dog.

plays with coco every day

become good friends.

f**ourite class is english.

likes going to parties.

has many friends

31. they all like going to parties.

likes studying english.

often cant`t find his pencil box in the morning. your friend like?

his f**ourite food?

`s he good at?

are his hobbies?

do you usually do together?

am at camp with my classmates and my teacher. am in a boat with my friend.

is teaching me how to fish.

cook the fish from the lake.

puts a toy snake on mary`s chair.

time for dinner.

are eating the fish.

is great to eat out here.

is picking up all the rubbish.

time to go to bed.

often loses his glasses.

for a great day!

英语五年级上一二单元重点 新起点

五年级上册重点。unit 1 my classmates 我的同学。一 词汇。his 他的 her 她的 their 他们的twins 双胞胎 blond 金黄色的 curly 卷曲的。straight 直的 freckles 雀斑 talkative健谈的honest 诚实的 shy 害羞的。ca...


unit 1 他的。她的。他 她,它 们的。孪生子,双胞胎。金黄色的。卷曲的。苗条的。直的。雀斑。健谈的,多嘴的。诚实的。聪明的。粗心的。受欢迎的。刻苦的。害羞的。懒惰的。文静的。乐于助人的。友善的。有趣的,滑稽可笑的。unit 2 比,比较。短的,矮的。年长的,旧的。长的。小的。和 的比较级 更好...


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