08 09上五年级试题

发布 2023-03-15 23:14:28 阅读 2364

3. a. yes, there isb. yes, there aren’t.

c. yes, there are. there are many fish.

4. a. it’s my room. b. it’s small and nice. c. yes, i do.

5. a. they’re on the deskb. it’s behind the door.

c. it’s over the bed.


) 1. what’s miss li like?

a. she’s tall and kindb. she’s tall and active.

c. she’s young and kind.

) 2. what day is it today?

a. fridayb. thursdayc. tuesday.

) 3. what does sarah like?

a. she likes salty thingsb. she likes sweet things.

c. she likes sour things.

) 4. where are they?

a. in the classroom. b. in the nature park. c. at home.

) 5. where is the air-conditioner?

a. near the bed. b. behind the door. c. over the closet.


) 1. a. cabbage b. chicken c. pork d. mutton

) 2. a. smart b. active c. quiet d. mirror

) 3. a. salty b. sweet c. sour d. sky

) 4. a. tuesday b. cloud c. sunday d. friday

) 5. a. kind b. quiet c. village d. strict

七、读一读,根据图画提示填上所缺单词,每条横线上只填一个单词。 (8分)

this is my school. it’s __

the mountains. there is a

by it. there are many small __

near the school. thereany

tall buildings. i like my school.

this is my room. you can see a little

bed. over the bed, there is a

and you can see a shelf and a desk. near the

shelf, there is anear the desk,there is a tv. on the desk, you can see a


1. water i flowers can the (

2. pandas any mountains there in are the (

3. teacher who’s english your (

4. sundays h**e what you do on, (

5. f**ourite food what’s your (

九、 读一读,选择恰当的答案,将其字母标号填入题前的括号里。(10分)

1. i h**e a new chinese teacher. _name is mr. wang.

a. he’sb. herc. his

2. you usually don’t go to school on __

a. wednesdays b. sundays c. thursdays

3. amy __bread and milk for breakfast.

a. h**eb. hasc. like

4. there __many desks and a board in the classrooma. isb. arec. am

5is a big city of america.

a. londonb. moscow c. new york

十 、读短文,判断后面的陈述是否正确。若正确,在相应的括号里写“t”;反之,写“f”。(10分)

i am a bird. i fly in the sky. i like the clouds.

they are pretty. i live in a tree. the tree is in the forest.

there are many trees and flowers in the forest.

one day, i see some students. they sing and dance under a big tree. they look happy.

after singing and dancing, they h**e a picnic. “put the trash in this big bag. we’ll throw(扔)it into the trash bin!

” a girl says.

they are good children. i like them.

1. the bird likes clouds.

2. the forest is the bird’s home.

3. there aren’t any flowers in the forest.

4. the students sing and dance in the forest.

5. the students throw the trash in the forest.


my name is sally. i am 11 years old. i study in willow school.

my f**ourite day is friday. we h**e english and music class on friday. i like english and music.

and we h**e chicken for lunch on fridays. chicken is my f**ourite food. friday is a great day!

my f**ourite teacher is mr. brown. he’s our music teacher.

he’s short and strong. he’s very funny.

1. sally studies in

2is sally’s f**ourite day.

3. sally’s f**ourite food is

4. mr. brown is sally’steacher.

5. sally likesandclass.


五年级 上 试题

人教版2014 2015上期。小学五年级语文期末复习试卷。满分100分,90分钟完卷。温情提示 亲爱的同学们。面对这份试卷,希望你能够沉着冷静,发挥出你的最佳水平。祝你取得圆满成功!一 听力测试 5分 请认真听老师读短文,然后按要求做题。1.文中的小山羊在找快乐的途中做了哪两件事?3分 第一件 第二...


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