
发布 2023-03-13 06:48:28 阅读 5237


听力部分。i. 听句子,选择适当的答语。

)1. a. how are you?

b. how do you do?

c. fine, thank you. and you?

)2. a. nice to meet you, too.

b. i’m very well.

c. thanks a lot.

)3. a. it’s monday.

b. it’s eight thirty.

c. it’s my watch.

)4. a. oh. it’s theirs.

b. oh, here it is.

c. oh, it’s new.

)5. a. they are english books.

b. i think they are our teacher’s.

c. they are my good friends.

ii. 听句子,找出与所听句子意思一致的选项。

)1. a. they are students.

b. they are friends

c. they look the same.

)2. a. the kite is white.

b. the kite is on the wall.

c. whose kite is it?

)3. a. it’s time to go home.

b. it’s time to go to bed

c. it’s time to go to school.

)4. a. they are cats.

b. they like cats very much.

c. they are not cats.

) lucy and lily h**e sweaters.

b. lucy’s and lily’s sweaters are new.

c. i can’t find lucy and lily’s sweaters.

iii. 听对话和对话后提出的问题,选择正确答案。

)1. a. tom’s brother. b. tom’s father. c. tom’s friend.

)2. a. jim’s. b. jim’s sister’s. c. kate’s.

)3. a. mike. b. mary. c. lily.

)4. a. it’s nine ten. b. it’s ten nine. c. it’s ten ten.

)5. a. they are on the bed.

b. they are in the boxes.

c. they are behind the chair.

iv. 根据所听短文内容,选择正确答案。

( )1. i h**e

a. a friend b. two watches c. two friends

( )2. jim and john are

a. teachers b. students c. sisters

( )3don’t h**e a clock.

a. jim b. john c. both a and b

( )4. they __at about ten.

a. go to school b. go to bed c. go home

( )5. jim, john and i are in

a. the same grade b. the same class c. the same school





7.come here(反义词组。

. 单项选择。

( )i do some __at home. my family all like my dishes.

a.housework b.cooking c.helpful d.washing

)2.__you like hot dogs? yes, very much.

a.would b.do c.could d.are

)3.--could i h**e __dumplings?

---i'm sorry. we don't h**e __dumplings here.

a.some, someb.any, some

c.some, anyd.any, many

)4. the shop sells things __clothes and shoes.

a.likes b.to like c.liking d.like

)5.__oranges do you want and __orange would you like?

a.how many, how many b.how much, how much

c.how many, how much d.how much, how many

)6. i teach __english and he __me japanese.

a.him, teaches b.her, teach

c.his, teaching d.he, teaches

)7. where's sam? he __over there.

a.listens to music b.is listening to music

c.likes listening music d.is listening music

) is __old book. could you give me __new one?

a. a, a b. an, a c. an ,an d. a, an

) is __chair, _is over there.

a. my, yours b. mine, yours

c. mine, your d. yours, mine

)10is in your bedroom?

--my sister.

a. who b. what c. where d. whose

)11.--do you speak english?

not much.

a. no b. many c. a little d. a few

)'s time __games now.

a. play b. to play c. playing d. plays

)13.--what's the time, please?


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