
发布 2023-03-11 15:06:28 阅读 5582






一、 听力部分 (20分)

i. 听小对话,选择**。对话读一遍。 (每小题l分,满分5分。)

1. what’s helen’s phone number?

abc2. what club can she join?

abc3. what does the woman like?

abc4. where is the ping-pong bat?

abc5. what can she play?

abcii. 听小对话,回答问题。对话读一遍。(每小题l分,满分5分。)

6. what does the girl want?

a. milkb. waterc. tea

7. where did they go last sunday?

a. to a park b. to the cinema c. to school

8. how much is the blue t-shirt?

a. 8 yuanb. 18 yuan c. 80 yuan

9. what’s li mei’s mother?

a. a nurse b. a driver c. a worker

10. how does the boy usually go to school?

a. by busb. on foot c. by bike

iii. 听长对话,回答问题。对话读一遍。(每小题l分,满分5分)

听第一段对话, 回答11至12两小题。

11. what kind of movies does the boy like?

a. thrillersb. cartoonsc. comedies.

12. what’s his f**orite cartoon character?

a. monkey king. b. mickey mouse. c. monkey queen.


13. what does susan’s son like?

a. playing games. b. playing computer games. c. staying at home.

14. what is not good for children in susan’s opinion?

a. children like playing games.

b. many children don’t h**e the habit of reading.

c. children go to different places.

15. does the man agree with (同意) susan?

a. yes, he does.

b. no, he doesn’t.

c. we don’t know.

iv. 听短文,回答问题。短文读两遍。(每小题l分,满分5分。)

16. why were some mice unhappy?

a. because they lived in a hole (洞) of the house.

b. because a big cat lived in the house with them.

c. because a big cat always wanted to catch and eat them.

17. what did the mice give to the big cat?

18. why did the cat lose all his teeth?

a. because he ate too many sweets.

b. because he didn’t brush teeth.

c. because his teeth become worse and worse (越来越坏).

19. what’s the result (结果) of the story?

a. the cat died.

b. the cat could only eat fish.

c. the cat didn’t h**e anything to eat.

20. what do you think of the mice?

二、 笔试部分 (90分)



21. –do you know __name of jay chow’s new movie?

yes, it’saction movie “ciling”.

22. do you need shoes___sports? we h**e lots of shoes __very good prices.

23. my sisiter speaks englishshe is a __speaker.

24. let me __shopping with my grandma. i can help her __about the prices

25comes before december, but after october.

26. look, a set of keys __on the desk. whose keys are these?

27. i like math. it’s difficult __interesting.

28. mr. white with his friends often __a trip.

29. there are lots of birds singingthose

30. mike __to bed lateevening.

31. it’sthe time for us to h**e the art lesson.

32. the twins likebut they likefor us this time.

33. mrs. green ismother.

34. –are there any __in the fridge (冰箱).

–no, there aren’t any. let’s buy some tomorrow.

35. thanks __the photo __your family.



2012 2013学年第一学期七年级语文期末考试试题。班级 学号姓名 一 积累与运用 29分 1 根据拼音,在 田 字格里写出汉字,书写要规范 准确,标点要占格。3分 g i z j y di n x n x n,qi n t hu w xi n gu ng m ng 2 给下面选文中划线的字注音,...


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