冀教版七年级上1 4单元基础知识复习

发布 2023-03-10 05:09:28 阅读 6735

英语周考units1-4 2017.11.2 姓名班级。

一、 根据首字母提示和汉语写出单词,并注意单词的适当形式。

1、 tom is from加拿大)

2、 betty is a学生)

3、 kate and i are in the same class. we are c

4、 there are some trees在附近)the school.

5、 the students are计划) the thing.

6、 this is our teachers办公室)

7、 there are two橡皮)on your desk.

8、 can you猜测)what it is?

9、 let’s借)a pencil and a ruler.

10、 can you buy all of these东西)at the store?

11、 girls wear女衬衫)and boys wear shirts.

12、 li ming likes to绘画) landscapes (风景画)after school.

13、 it’s too cold. i need to wear my手套)

14、 my mother wants to buy two围巾)at the store.

15也许)he is a driver, too.

16、 we like to wear传统的)clothes.

17、 these are our报告)

18星期六)is the seventh day of a week.

19、 my mother buys two双)of shoes for me.

20、 i often do my家庭作业)after dinner.

21、 can you tell me your感受) now?

22、 blue意思是)“sad” in english.

23、 i am 1.65米) tall.

24、 don’t stand靠着)the tree. it’s dangerous.

25、 we should help each other. don’t笑)at others.

26、 what’s the问题)?

27、 she has a胃痛).

28、 my friend mike wears眼镜)on his nose.

29、 this book is不同的) from that one.

30、 would you like to go to the rfor lunch with me?

31、 can i h**e a色拉)?

32、 i would like some饼干).

33、 children mean一切事物)to most parents in china.

34、 rabbits like eating胡萝卜).

35葡萄) are very sweet. we like them.

36、 do you want some牛肉) or chicken noodles?

37、 my mother usually makes dfor us at the spring festival.

38、 there are three瓶子)of milk on the table.

39、 she eats two三明治) a day.

40、 the boy has仅仅) one apple.

二.短语。1. 露西是我的朋友,她来自于英格兰。

lucy is my friend. sheengland.

2. 这是我的朋友,他的名字叫汤姆。

my friend. his name is tom.

3. 王梅在七年级三班。

wang mei is in

4. 我在教室上课。

iin the classroom.

5. 请带我参观一下你们的新校园好吗?

could you please me your new school campus?

6. 现在轮到你读书了。

it's turnnow.

7. 我需要为我的课买一些东西。

isome things for my classes.

8. 你学校的图书馆怎么样呢?

the library in your school?

9. -这支钢笔什么颜色?

is the pen?

10. 我可以将红色和蓝色调配成紫色。

i can red and blue to purple.

11. 我们的老师也许在图书馆。

our teacherin the library.

12. 不要忘记关门。

don't forgetthe door.

13. 你准备好唱这首歌了吗?

are you readythe song.

14. 这件连衣裙刚好适合我。

this dress isfor me.

15. 我们的朋友遍天下。

we h**e friends

16. 汤姆想和他的母亲去购物。

tom wants towith his mother.

17. 我能用我的鼻子闻。

i canmy nose.

18. 这个单词的意思是什么?

what the word .

19. 鲍勃有点矮。

bob isshort.

20. 你最好不要每天看电视。

youwatch tv every day.

21. -你怎么了?


-what'swith you?

-i22. 我头疼,我想待在家里,好好休息。

i h**e a headache. i want toand

23. 我的橡皮和你的不同。

my eraseryours.

24. 该吃晚饭了。

it is timesupper.

25. 玛丽想要一杯茶。

marya cup of tea.

26. 天太晚了,我不得不回家。

it's too late. igo home.

27. 杯子里装满了水。

the cupwater.

28. 请把书发下去。pleasethe books.

29. 我们将离开十天。

we willfor ten days.

30. 那个男孩喝了太多的可乐。the boy drinkscoke. 1


1. let’splay) sports together.

2. i planh**e ) a trip to hainan.

3. we h**e funplay) football.

4. what aboutgo) shopping?

5. he likes做运动) in the morning.

6. it makes mefeel ) happy.

7..we all h**efeel).

betternot watch ) too much tv.

students needplay) sports every day.

timeh**e) lunch.


h**e some books and pens.(否定句)ih**ebookspens.

this an apple? yesis .

3. i do my homework at home.(否定句) ihomework at home.


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