人教版七年级下册英语期中考试英语试题 22

发布 2023-03-09 05:53:28 阅读 7543




英语试卷。考试时间:90分钟试题满分:100分出题人:ms. zeng

审核人:ms. zhao and ms. liu





6. a. the music club

b. i like singing and dancing

c. he’s at home.

7. a. i like exercising.

b. i exercise with my parents.

c. at 6:30

8. a. ride a bike.

b. no, i don’t.

c. yes, i do.

9. a. they are from china

b. because they are cute

c. they are black and white.

10. a. yes, i am.

b. no, i’m washing the dishes

c. no, i don’t.



11. what’s wang dan’s telephone number?

a. 836-75431.

b. 754-83632

c. 875-36437.

12. what does she want to do?

a. to play sports

b. to join a sports club

c. to watch sports games.


13. does judy like monkeys?

a. yes, she does

b. no, she doesn’t.

c. we don’t know.

14. what animals does judy like?

a. dolphins. b. monkeys c. koalas.

15. what animals do they see first?

a. pandas. b. giraffes. c. elephants.


16. the lions eat

a. bamboo le**es b. vegetables c. meat

17. the lions are fromand they are beautiful.

a. china b. africa c. australia

18. the elephants are

a. big and friendly b. scary c. beautiful

19. the come from africa.

a. tigers and elephants

b. lions and elephants

c. lions and pandas

20. there are kinds of animals in the passage.

a. two b. three c. four



1. can you sing or dance, molly?

a. i can dance. b. yes, i can. c. no, i can d. i can swim.

2. –do you want to join us for dinner

a. yes, i’d love tob. yes, please.

c. no, i’m notd. no, i’d love to.

3. scottplaying the piano.

a. is good for b. is good at c. is bad for d. is good to

4. she gets up seven saturday morning.

a. in; atb. at; in c. at; ond. on; on

5. he wants to be a teacher. he thinks it’s an interesting .

a. jobsb. work c. works d. job

6.—how far is it from your home to school?

it’s about twenty walk.

a. minute’s b. minutes’ c. minutes d. minutes’s

7. —i can’t play the violin. what about you, rick?

i can’t

a. too b. also c. either d. and

8. there arerules in my family.

a. too much b. too many c. much too d. many too

9. the panda is animal. it’s cute.

a. a kind of ; a kind ofb. kind of ; kind of

c. kind of ; a kind ofd. a kind of ; kind of

10. kate, _girl, wants to be a teacher.

a. a 8-year-old b. an 8-years-old c. an 8-year-old d. a 8 years old

11. miss gao is very strict her students their studies.

a. in, in b. with, with c. in, with d. with, in

12. one of the twinslunch.

a. is eating b. are eating c. eats d. eat

13do you want to go? —swimming pool.

a. where b. when c. how d. which

14. is the weather in beijing now? —it’s .

a. what, winding b. how, windy

c. when, winds d. why, windy

15it going? —great!

a. what’s b. how’s c. why is d. where’s



a: hi, jack. 1

b: that sounds good. i like animals.

a: 2 b:i like tigers.

a: they are so scary. _3___

b: because they are cute and beautiful.


b: yes , they are friendly and smart.

a: there is a new elephant in the zoo. it can play soccer.

b: really? 5

a: yeah. it likes to play with people.

b: great!


peter: hi, jane, is that your brother? does he h**e a new bike?


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