七年级英语8 12单元词组

发布 2023-03-09 00:55:28 阅读 8866

unit8 i’d like some noodles.

1. -你想要什么what do you want?

-我想要一些面条some noodles. =i want some noodles.

句型:想要某东西:would like sth = want sth (后跟名词,不加to)

想要做某事:would like __sth = wantsth (后跟动词,加to)

练:(1) do you want

a. speak english b. to the new pants c. ho home d. to go to school

2) would you likedrink) some green tea?

2. 餐厅英语:

-我能帮您吗what can i do for you? =what would you like?

-我想要一些面条。--i’d like some noodles. (i’d = i would)

你想要什么种类的面would you like?

-我想要牛肉番茄面。--i’d likenoodles. (注意用“单数”)

你想要多大碗的面bowl of noodles __you___

-我想要一中碗面。--i’d likenoodles. (一中碗…)


一大碗面条of noodles 一小碗面条。

3. -你想吃些东西吗?--would you like

-(接受)好的或yes, i’d like/love to. 不能用:yes, i would.


练:--would you like some tea

a. yes, i would b. yes, please c. no, i don’t d. no, please

4. 我要买它:i’ll此处的“买”不能用buy,只能用take)

5. 那是全部吗?好了吗?完了吗。

6. 特色菜一15个饺子只要10元is just(only)10rmb __15 dumplings.

7. some+不可数名词(无复数,不能加s),作句子主语时,动词用“三单”。


练:(1) some chickenbe) in the bowl. some eggsbe) on the table.

2) i’d like some __and __

a. porridge, vegetables b. beef, tomato c. french fries, orange juices

8. “肯定句”的两者或两者以上用“and”连接:i’d like dumplings __orange juice.

否定句”的两者或两者以上用“or”连接:i don’t like green tea __porridge.

9. 肯定句中表达“一些”用___


如:(1) i would like __beef noodles. (2) i wouldn’t like __chicken noodles.

3) i didn’t h**e __money for a taxi.

10. 关于“人称代词”的用法:

1) 实义动词后的“人称代词”用宾格; 如:can you help me? he doesn’t like them.

2) 介词后的“人称代词”用宾格; 如:do you want to go with us?

11. 吃某东西当早餐:eat/h**e sth __breakfast



在早餐时间吃东西:eat sth at the breakfast time

12. 句型:某人/某东西怎么样?:what about sb/sth?

做某事怎么样:what about __sth? it’s hot. what about __go) swimming?

unit9 how was your weekend?


练:(1) hego) to school on foot yesterday.

2) –what did jim do? -hego) to the movies.

3) wenot go) to the cinema last sunday.

4)where __be) you last weekend?

2. –你上个周末做了什么?--whatlast weekend? (did引导,动词还原)

-在星期天上午,我打了网球。--i __tennis on sunday morning.


在星期天上午/下午/晚上:__sunday morning/afternoon/evening


在上学的白天/晚上:__school days/nights

3. –tina的周末怎么样tina’s weekend?

-它很棒:it was它还不错:it was not bad. –它很糟糕:it was terrible.

4. 该是回家的时候了go home.

句型:该是做某事的时候了:it’s time to do sth

5. he spent half an hourplay) computer games last night.



1) she spent 10yuan __the book.= she spent 10 yuan __the book.

6. 常用do, does, did, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t代替前文提到的动词。


七年级英语八单元复习。短语。1.在春天。2.在冬天。3.在夏天。4.在秋天。5.堆雪人。6.去游泳。7.爬山。8.多云的天气 9.给某人写信。10.低温。11.高温。12.从 到。13.在两者之间。14.去旅行。15.计划做某事。16.最好做某事。17.在假期。18.找出,发现。19.需要做某事。2...


求好运捉弄某人 一个8 11岁的男孩穿上。复活,复苏熬夜 最重要的节日忙于做某事。悬挂为 做好准备。相互问候在 结尾。在。的早上远离。压岁钱开始做某事。看升国旗一个3天的假期。希望干某事 2种想干某事 2种 希望某人干某事计划干某事。参观一些风景名胜你们中的每个人 做某事的最好时间随身携带。应该 不...


m1u1 重点词组。page11.了解 学有关 2.与 交朋友。3.交个朋友。4.在其他国家。5.一个德国女孩的博客。7.听某人做某事。8.问 告诉某人。9.问 告诉某事。10.问 告诉某人某事。11.问 告诉某人关于 的事儿。12.要求 告诉某人 不 做某事。13.要求 告诉某人 14.一个网友。...