
发布 2023-03-09 00:54:28 阅读 3357


unit1 总结。

1.短语。the guitar 弹吉他。

a song for sb 为某人唱首歌。

swimming 去游泳。

to music 跟随**跳舞。

a picture 画画。

chess with sb 与某人下象棋。

english 讲英语。

the story telling club 加入讲故事俱乐部。

good at = do well in 擅长于。

sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事。

to sb 写信给。

sb sth = show sth to sb 向某人展示某物。

to/with sb 与。谈话/讲话。

sb a story 给某人讲故事。

kung fu 表演功夫。

the drums 敲鼓。

the piano 弹钢琴。

the violin 拉小提琴。

home 到家 go home 回家。

stay at home 呆在家里。

good with 善于应付。对。有办法

be good at sth 擅长于做某事。

be good for 对。有好处;对。有益。

sb do sth 使某人做某事。

me sad 使我难过。

friends with sb 与某人交朋友。

sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人。

with the help of sb = with one’s help


can’t help doing sth 忍不住/禁不住做。

help oneself to +食物;随便吃/喝。

the center of the city 在市中心。

the weekend 在周末 on weekends 在周末。

sb to do sth 教某人做某事。

teach oneself 自学。

teach sb sth 教某人某事。

wanted 招聘教师。

the school music club 在学校**俱乐部。

2.句子。club do you want to join ?

i want to join the swimming club.

you sing songs for us ? yes,i can ./no,i can’t.

sports can you play ?

very good at telling stories.

like to talk and play games with people.

you play the piano or the violin ?

need you to help with sports for english-speaking students.

school needs help to teach music.

you can be in our school music festival.

can you do ?

you good with old people ?


up 起床,站起 get up early 早起。

dressed 穿上衣服。

get dressed in + 颜色/衣服。

dress oneself 自己穿衣服。

teeth 刷牙 tooth brush 牙刷。

a shower = h**e a shower 洗澡。

a good job 有一份好工作。

at a radio station 在广播电台工作。

o’clock 六点钟。

night 在晚上。

exercise = do exercise 锻炼。

do morning exercises 做早操。

do eye exercises 做眼操。

10. on the weekend /on weekends在周末。

a group of young people 一群年轻人。

in our group 在我们小组。

hours and a half 两个半小时。

=two and a half hours

half an hour 半小时。

12. half of the students 一半的学生。

13 .a quarter past six 6:15

half past six 6:30

a quarter to eight 7:45

14 do one’s homework 做作业。

the room 打扫房间。

a walk = go for a work 去散步。

or 或者。或者。

lot of = lots of 许多,大量、

good 尝起来好。

a happy life 过着幸福生活。

breakfast = h**e breakfast 吃晚饭。

best friend 我最好的朋友。

to bed 去睡觉。

home 回家 get home 到家。

time to do sth 有时间做某事。

basketball for half an hour 打半小时篮球。

a good breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早饭。

and unhealthy habits健康和不健康的习惯。

2.句子。time do you go to school ?

i usually go to school at half past six.

do you usually take a shower ?

i usually take a shower at six forty.

a funny time for breakfast.

never late for work .

does scott go to work ?

don’t h**e much time for breakfast ,so i usually eat quickly.

the evening , i either watch tv or play computer games.

twelve ,she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch .

knows it’s not good for her . but it tastes good.

i0. i often get home from school at half past four.


1.短语。the train./by train. 乘火车。

take the bus /bu bus.乘公汽车。

take the subway /bu subway.乘地铁。

drive a car /bu car.乘/开车。

to sp =go to sp on foot 走着去。

subway station 地铁站。

hundred 二百。

hundreds of 数以百计的。

minutes’ walk 走着五分钟的路程。

far 多远。


to sp.=go to sp by car .开车去。

in sp.住在。live with sb. 与。生活在一起。


to do sth.停下去做(另一)事。

stop doing sth.停止(正在做的)某事。

across the bridge =cross the bridge穿过这座桥。

a small village.在一个小村子。

the bridge.在桥上(正上方)

afraid of sb/sth.害怕某人/某物。

be afraid to do sth.害怕某做某事。

be afraid of doing sth.害怕/担心做。

for sp. 动身前往。离开去。

a dream of...做梦。

dream of/about.做梦。


on a ropeway.乘坐索道。


二。句子。do you get to school?

i get to school by bus./i take the bus to school.

takes me half an hour to finish my homework.

it takes sb+时间+to do sth).

long does it take to get to school?

it takes about thirty minutes.

far is it from your home to school?

it’s about ten kilometers.

not sure.

bus ride takes about 20minutes.

a good day at school.

lives about five kilometers away from school.


unit 4 don t eat in class 重要短语 遮住右边的英文,你是否能够熟练地说出来呢?上学迟到。arrive late for school 铺床。make one s bed2.上课迟到。be late for class14.考虑。think about3.准时。be on t...


unit 1 一 词汇。二 短语。三 重点句子。1 你会游泳吗?是的,我会。2 你会做什么?我会跳舞。3 你们想加入什么俱乐部?我们想加入国际象棋俱乐部。unit2一 词汇。二 短语。三 句子。1 你通常几点起床?我通常六点半起床。2.rick 几点吃早餐?他七点吃早餐。3.scott 几点上班?他...


unit 1 一 词汇。二 短语。三 重点句子。1 你会游泳吗?是的,我会。2 你会做什么?我会跳舞。3 你们想加入什么俱乐部?我们想加入国际象棋俱乐部。unit2一 词汇。二 短语。三 句子。1 你通常几点起床?我通常六点半起床。2.rick 几点吃早餐?他七点吃早餐。3.scott 几点上班?他...